Wednesday, February 1, 2023

MM&M & Thankful Thursday

 Midway Mike & Marv

When we woke up on Wednesday it was COLD and we had 4" of new snow. When we were talking to Midway Mike he was a little miffed. Kozmo and Me had woken him up from his winter sleep and he was COLD! Kozmo and I snuck him into the house and he was doing a good job of hiding until he got hungry. 
I was sneaking him to Cinnamon's crunchy dish and Mom spotted him! We asked and she said we could have a sleep over, but tomorrow night he had to go back to his own den.  
Midway Mike is going to be a long night!


Thankful Thursday

We are thankful that we have a nice warm house and Peeps who buy us the foodables that we like. We are thankful that they empty our litter boxes and give us treats. We are thankful for all of our furrends online, that we can pawticipate in so many fun things and we are thankful for the Peeps who keep the blogosphere running, some of these are Brian's Dad Terry, June's Ann, The Peeps at The Cat on My Head (Selfie Sunday) Messy Mimi (Feline Friday), Ms Ellen (Friendly Fill-ins), Athena and Marie (Artsy Caturday), Awww Monday and Wordless Wednesday (Sandee at Comedy Plus). If I missed anybody, I apologize. We are also thankful for all of our furrends who come to visit us! I consider myself lucky to have friends who are so beautiful and kind. Your hearts are made of gold, and I love that about you. Keep being AWESOME!
We are purraying for Brian's sister Macy. 
We are pawticipating in Thankful Thursday at Brian's! Brian and his 5 siblings always have a ton of fun! Please click on their button to be magically transported to Thankful Central! 





  1. It doesn't sound like you have spring arriving any time soon!

  2. Could Midway Mike take winter with him, back to his den? The thought of two more months of this, here in eastern Ontario, is depressing. Lol. Even so, you have a lot to be thankful for, which is wonderful. 🙂

  3. mike will have a super time with you ;O)

  4. midway mike is adorable and looks like a warm companion for a snowy night.. we read your long list of thankfuls and we are also thankful for the same things as you are Marv

  5. I'm waiting for Buckeye Chuck to tell me what the weather's going to be. As if I can't figure it out when I open the door and look outside. And of course Precious can tell you how cold it is because she's got icicles hanging off her whiskers this morning even though we do not have snow on the ground.

  6. It was so kind of you to provide Midway Mike with a warm place to thaw out! We are also thankful for all our kind and fun friends.

    The Chans

  7. Hari Om
    Aw Marv, I like your pal Mike - very huggable! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall ~ we are thankful for them all! Every season brings us wonderful beauty in it's
    own way and the changes refresh our soul and our spirits and remind us that life is ever changing.

  9. You have a lot to be thankful for. We're thankful to have you as friends too! The big question is did Midway Mike see his shadow this morning?

  10. I'm thankful I've found all of you. Especially Marv and mom. You bring me such joy.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  11. doesn't midway mike eat.......wood??? we lubz yoo marv!

  12. We have some sunshine here for the groundhog, but it's clouding up and getting cold. We're thankful for a warm house and plenty to eat.

  13. We will be having a couple of really cold days this weekend.
    It makes me glad to be an indoor kitty. I like your pal!
    Purrs, Julie

  14. I bet Midway Mike loved his sleepover inside your house!

  15. I would have wanted Midway Mike to sleep over at my house too.
    I enjoyed all your thankful. I'm thankful too, for the same things. Including each one of you there at your house. XXXX

  16. First of all I A D O R E your new header !!!!!!!
    You furries are always so thoughtful with your thankfuls.
    Hugs to one and all 2 and 4 leggers

  17. It's not easy to sleep with someone who snores, although i do feel sorry for Midway Mike having to be in a cold den instead of a warm house.

    We have so much to be thankful for, i am thankful you keep participating in Feline Friday!

  18. Midway Mike is pretty cute. Not as cute as you, though

  19. How sweet of you to let Midway Mike sleep over. Thanks for the shout out on the fill-ins. I am thankful for your fun blog. XO

  20. Oh my, you and Midway Mike are adorable Marv and thanks for the purrs for Macy, she's home, she did good. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  21. Your friend Midway Mike is so cute wish we had a Midway Mike too sleepover. X💗😻🐾

  22. We love your friend Midway Mike. He could visit us and we would definitely play with him.

  23. Charlee: "Hey our Dada said to ask if Midway Mike has ever been to Bushwood Country Club."
    Chaplin: "We have no idea what he's talking about, as usual."


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!