Saturday, January 28, 2023

Marv's Trying Selfie

 Hmmmm...I'm trying...Getting the phone in the right spot and then getting my head in the right spot...


I'm trying...but...DARN...too close

Quit distracting me with funny faces Jo Jo! This is tough! 

MOM! Get your hand off my head! I CAN do it!!!

This one is good! But I'm missing my ear!!!

AHHH!!! PURRFECTION! A Real Selfie! I did it all by myself! Now I'm going to be part of The Cat On My Head's Selfie Sunday
Don't forget, the Pet's Yearly Chinese Horoscopes can be read by clicking this button
 It’s Tuxedo Cat appreciation day! So we are appreciating our Kozmo!

The Kitties Blue Peeps have been running Selfie Sunday for a long, long time! We LOVE the Kitties Blue and we can't wait to see them! Click on their button to head to Selfie Central! 



  1. Hari OM
    Well done, Marv - practice makes pawfect! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You also get full marks for effort, Marv! You are a purrfectionist! Excellent selfie!

    The Chans

  3. Marv, you've given me lots of handsome pictures to look at this way. Some with the eyes closed, some with the eyes open, some without the ears. But all of them great pictures. Evidently you've learned how to use your mom's new phone just. Have a great Sunday, and hope you don't have snow because today we have pouring down rain. Precious

  4. We love seeing the evolution of your perfect selfie, Marv. You got it right in the end.

  5. You worked very hard at it Marv, and got it perfect!

  6. Charlee: "It's tough to get that selfie just right, isn't it, Marv?"
    Chaplin: "Also, every day is Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day. Just sayin'."

  7. Excellent job, Marv! Your selfie shows that practice makes purrfect! XO

  8. Those are a really good serie of Selfies, Marv, we think they're all purrfect😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  9. Sweet purrfection Marveeluss Marv!!! You look speck-taculur!
    ***purrss** an ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  10. Great images and art take time and effort, Marv!

  11. Some very nice close ups! Lee and Phod

  12. Those are all great selfies of you, Marv!

  13. Practice made purrfect, Marv! Great selfie!

  14. Selfies are hard for cats. Our arms aren't quite long enough. Purrs, Snoops, Kommando Kitty and Sgt Sttipes

  15. Adorable selfies Marv. Happy tuxie day Kozmo!! XO

  16. You are always purrfection Marv, purrfect selfie! Happy Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day Kozmo!

  17. That was a great performance, Marv!!! A very good Selfie. And Kozmo, so handsome.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. You did a great job, and hooray for Kozmo!

  19. So marvellous Marv looking pawsome X😻💗💗

  20. A totally handsome selfie Marv!!!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!