Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas Eve Caturday Art!


The countdown is over tonight!

WOWZERS! Tonight Santa comes! I, Marv am so excited!

I found the Santa Hat in the box with the Christmas Socks and Mom put it on top of me!


Can you see my feet? I thought it would make some pretty terrific art. My feet kind of disappeared but I do like the sketchy effect I got using the Deep Dream Generator.

AND, I made it into a puzzle for you guys too. 

preview110pieceMarv in Christmas Hat

Do you think if I sleep all day that Christmas Day will come sooner? I can't wait for him arrive on the village Fire Truck (around 7:30 PM) and bring Candy Canes!!! 

PS. We are sorry that we have not commented a lot the last couple of days. We got MORE SNOW and Mom has been shovelling (as well as getting our ecards out). We will visit everyone from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that we missed.

We are pawticipating in the weekly Gallery Opening over at Athena and Marie's blog. We love to show our work along with all the other artists. Athena and her Peep are the best! We LOVE them both. Click on their badge to be magically taken to Art Central! 


  1. Hari OM
    Well, Marv, if you hadn't said who it was, it could just as easily have been JoJo under that hat! It made me smile and I will add that puzzle to my 'to be done' list over at JP! Now, don't get too fidgety waiting for Santa Paws, 'kay? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Is that you under that huge Santa hat, Marv?! Merry Christmas Eve!

  3. I think the hat is a size or two too big for you, Marv! Great art as always.

  4. Dear Marv, we hope that your mom is finished shoveling. We only got 6 in but with 40 and 50 mph wind we are not going outside to shovel anything. It will have to wait until after Christmas when it warms up to about 15° Fahrenheit. I love you great big Santa hat but we miss seeing your smile. Have a very very Merry Christmas because we really appreciate you and you all deserve it. Lynn and Precious

  5. your paws look aboslutely dreamy! I lost my mojo to covid and can't find it, no art, no photos, no ideas.. drawing a blank... maybe santa will bring me a helping of mojo.. headed over to see all the art..

  6. A terrific image, Marv!
    Lovely art off to puzzle.

  7. Wearing that hat should keep you warm, Marv. We are sure Santa Paws will bring you lots of great pressies.

  8. That's some great artwork again, Marv😸Warm Pawkisses for a Happy Christmas to all of you🐾😽🎅🎄✨

  9. Mine Mommy says you opened the wrong box. Me, I say, if'n you can find the sales receipt, exchange it for a better size or demand your monies back! It simply don't fit. It do not! (Though your Mommy made some very cute 'n' clever art-workz out of it, if'n I do say so myself, which I just did.) And by the way, since the hospital is in the next block, the fire trucks 'n' ambulances go by a few times a day, and lots of times at night, and they never bring Candy Canes, so can I hire you to come here and talk to them? I'd like to get some treats from them, but nothing, nada, no no, never. Bye now. Oh wait, I forgot to say Happy Christmas Day to all of you, so "HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY TO ALL OF YOU", love, June (and mine Mommy, too).

  10. Absolutely tell Mom no worries... she has her paws full with critters and snow and who knows what else...
    Sending Merry and Happy and Bright wishes for the season to you all and of course Brother Alex

  11. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  12. You are adorable in your Santa hat1

  13. You have all had some pretty weird weather, but we trust this will not stop you from enjoying a wonderful Christmas!

    The Chans

  14. So much snow there, Marv. Yikes. We like that hat. MOL!

    Yes, if you sleep, Santa might just come sooner. Merry Christmas to you! XO

  15. Charlee: "Merry Christmas Eve!"
    Chaplin: "And Merry Christmas too, while we're at it!"
    Charlee: "That hat looks big and cozy enough to sleep in!"

  16. Love the art and love have you, Marv, as my #1 fan boy!
    The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gifts of happiness and health. May all these be yours at Christmas.

  17. Great Christmas art ! Merry Christmas to you all ! Purrs

  18. Oh Marv! That hat is just a smidge too big for you! MOL! Happy Catmas Eve!

  19. You are indeed THE cat in the hat Marv! Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas from all of us!

  20. Merry (almost) Christmas!!
    We know all about that not visiting/commenting, too...for the snow reason especially. Sheesh!

    Egads, Marv, we thought that hat had gobbled you up! LOL!

  21. Very cute art. Thank you for the puzzle. Have a nice Christmas eve. XO

  22. That's precious, you in a hat. It would probably make a cozy bed.

    A blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas to you!

  23. A very Merry Christmas everyone. Hugs and purrs.xx😻😻❤️🎄


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!