Thursday, September 29, 2022

Friendly Fill-Ins for Felines on Friday!

 Mom had a few extra minutes today (actually she is tired so she was "resting" and I DEMANDED some write time!) I thought it was time I did the Fill-ins and they are all about ME!!! 

1.I’m usually _________ but sometimes I can be ________.

I’m usually an Angel but sometimes I can be a devil.

2. A new show ( or book or food) I like is ________________________.

A new show I like is SpongeBob Squarepants!

If you do the quiz, let us know which character you are! 
BTW, Mom was Sandy Cheeks!

 3. I would like to skip _________ and jump right to _________.

 I would like to skip winter and jump right to next spring. 

I get so cold that if I lose my toque, my brain freezes.

4. I haven’t _________ since _________.

I haven't climbed the screen since last spring!


The Friendly Fill-ins are written by 15 and Meowing (the first 2) and the second two are written by Four-Legged Fur Balls! We hope you enjoyed learning about Kozmo as much as we love learning about you dear furrends!  You can click on the buttons to be magically taken to 15 and Meowing and the Four-Legged Furrballs blogs!


We are also pawticipating In Comedy Plus' Feline Friday! Sandee has terrific blog hops and we love to pawticipate!
Click the button to be magically taken to Feline Friday at Comedy Plus! 

by the way, Mom has to go to Kelowna on Friday and Penticton on Saturday, we may not get a chance to visit until Sunday. 



  1. me love that spomge bob... although the mama is often in the same mood like that squid guy with da tentacles....

  2. Hari OM
    Hi Marv, glad you got some 'type time'!!! Good fill ins. Have a ripsnorting weekend... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. No way that you could ever be a devil, Marv!

  4. Dearest Marv, I loved seeing so many pictures of you but not with the snow. We don't even like that summer is ending here. And it actually ended on September 22nd when the temperature has dropped over 20° and not gotten warmer again. Lynn's had to quit bicycling it so cold windy and spitty rain. I like all your feelings and I'm sorry about you not climbing the screen but I bet your mom is glad. Precious

  5. Wow, you are quite a climber! We would like to jump right to winter and skip spring and summer, but everyone has their favorite seasons, we understand that. Have a fun weekend!

  6. I loved your fill-ins, Marv. I'm with you on skipping winter and jumping into spring. You know how much I love you.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  7. Marv, that was perfect..the devil and angel of you! JUST right for you. And, oh look so mancatly climbing the screen. Can Kozmo ]join you? That ought to bring the screen down altogether!

  8. Chaplin: "That IS funny! Our Mama and Dada have little vizsla Christmas ornaments, one with a halo and one with little horns, so I guess it applies to dogs, too ..."

  9. Yes, skipping Winter is A-OK with me too!

  10. Thank you for participating in the fil-ins, great answers. I love the first photo how you change from devil to angel. :) I love fall and winter, I could do without spring or summer. :) Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  11. We enjoyed reading your answers to the fill ins. We don't believe you could ever be a devil though.

  12. WOW, those were terrific answers and such fun pictorials too!

  13. You did a great job with the answers. Winter is not my favorite, either.

  14. Those answers are GREAT! Marv, I, too, would like to skip winter and so would TW. We hate snow and being cold and drying focred air heat.

  15. Great answers and photos.x😻

  16. As she feared, Mom is Squidward


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!