Thursday, January 6, 2022

More Snow...!!!

We are very thankful. Even if we are furry furry late! Mom has been shoveling and shoveling and shoveling.

We were worried we would not have enough snow this winter - for the river next summer . We hoped we would have extra this winter, and we have had extra after extra this week. As a matter of fact, we have had SNOWMAGEDDON! 

Furrst we gotted a foot on Monday. Then another 4 inches on Tuesday and we awoke to another 10 inches this morning! That is 22 inches in 4 days! Apparently we are supposed to get another 8 inches tonight! We are now purraying for the snow to STOP!

We have had a LOT of snow. And we are thankful for our neighbors! 
Furrst, we used to have a roof rake for scraping the heavy snow off the roof. Alas, it had bit the dust. Mr D bought one and he lent it to Mom this morning. So far Mom has scraped about 3 ft of snow off from the edge of the roof and Alex has scraped the snow away from around the chimney. Mom is going to try to get the rest of the house done later today. (the snow is way over her knees).

And Mr McM came with his plow and finished the last 10 feet to our driveway. 
Mom did the happy dance! 
We live on a curve of the rode and the village plow guys have slowly been moving north across the road. The curve is getting very tight and a couple of cars (including Mr McM's wife) have just about ended up sliding into the ditch across from us onto Mr G's lawn. Mr McM was plowing out down at his house and  figured he would give the village snow plow guys a hand and fix the curve.

Now, for your viewing pleasure - Cinnamon swimming in the snow!

viewed best biggified, I held the camera vertical instead of horizontal as I did not want to drop it into the snow.

We love you all and 
We are Thankful for you ALL!!!

We are pawticipating in Thankful  Thursday at Brian's Home! Please click on their badge to be taken to Thankful Central!


  1. oh em cod cinny !!!!! total lee awesum lee kewl ewe finded yur ball each time
    AND that ewe wented out side in all that stuff in de furst place !!! YEOW :) 3♥

  2. That's a lot of snow. Wow. Cinnamon is having a grand time. Great video.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  3. It;s fun to watch Cinny but we are not sorry the snow isn't on us !

  4. You got a lot of snow! We're getting some tonight, but only 3 - 5 inches. Our mom got the shovel out of storage just in case!

  5. Hari OM
    Wow, Cinnamon, it was furbyoulush to see you in all that PROPER stuff, the REAL stuff, the NO NONSENSE snow of the true north!!! (But I am sorry that mum has to do quite so much shovelling...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Wow! That is a lot of snow. Loved seeing Cinnie playing in it.

  7. Yikes, that's way too much snow, we'd be closed for a month or more here. Cinnamon is having fun though and we're glad y'all are okay . Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Yikes!! That is a lot of snow! I hope it stops too- although Cinnamon doesn't mind. :) XO

  9. We are thankful for your friendship! That's a LOT of snow. Mom's Eskie, Katie, used to love playing in the snow like that.

  10. I’m glad you got all that snow and not us! Cinnamon is one crazy dog to like all that snow. ~Ernie

  11. Cinnamon is doing a great job making a path. I wished for a White Christmas, got it, and will never wish for it again!!!

  12. Yes, I hear your part of BC is being inundated with snow. Add that to the flood, and forest fires, you good people just don't get a break, do you? My cousin's new build in Princeton was flooded in November and she's still not back home yet. All I can do from here is send my pawsitive vibes on high power to you all. At least the pets seem to be getting a kick out of the snow. Hope 2022 improves greatly for you as it unfolds.

  13. We are getting snow tonight. When if first falls it is very pretty, but then it sticks around and turns ugly and annoying.

  14. The first time we went to Vancouver was the only time I've seen snow - and I didn't like it at all! My human says that if she ever went to live somewhere that had snow in winter, she'd only move to the city - because she does not want to have to deal with shoveling it!

  15. Cinnamon's face! Mom, you threw it in the deep snow! Hahaha! I hope you get a break from the snow soon.

  16. wow that's a little to much snow much fun... we are glad that one only one flake found the way to us...

  17. We love Marv's hat! Nice the neighbor fixed that curve so people wouldn't skid around it. EEEK - you sure did get slammed with snow. We had a BIG snow which almost all melted then last night got several more inches....WINTER - we didn't see much of that the past year or two so we're making up for it now! Loved the Cinni-swim!!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  18. Wow - that is a LOT of snow and you are having way too much fun, Cinnamon! We have snow falling at our house now but we won't get as much as you have - and mom says thank goodness☺

  19. Cinnamon, at least you know how to have fun in the snow while everybody else is working hard. However I do not envy your mom or your human brother. And it's nice to have wonderful neighbors that'll give you an extra hand or a paw when it is very much needed. I will take our very frigid temperatures of only 10 degrees this morning with only a dusting of snow over your weather any day. But I certainly understand hoping to get water in the Lakes after they use so much in the forest fire. Love your hat Marv, it makes you look extremely handsome.

  20. We just love snow, so send some of it our way. We have snow, but could use another foot or so. Mom lived near mountains in southern Germany and it would start snowing and not stop for like two weeks. She loves snow, but she would get scared thinking it would never stop. Shoveling happened a couple times a day and then there was nowhere to put it all! Crazy how nature works sometimes. Hope it stops for a while at your house.

  21. Cinnie, you gave mom here the best biggest smile she will have all day! Those fangs of hers are out, and showing as she croaks her laughter! She LOVED seeing you playing and swimming. And Marv, seeing you in that hat pushed her over the edge into out loud laughter too. She's wheezing and croaking but still showing her fangs and loving it. Thank you, both of you. XXXXX She sure needed that.

  22. Well, I guess we should return to our own blog and delete our post about "snow". It's not even a "flake" next to yours ... that is SNOW, for snowmen and igloos and ice castles and snow-cones and skiing and snow shoeing and making snow angels! Cinny sure knows how to make the best of it! Beautiful (but hard work to
    get rid of what needs to be gotten rid of, don't overdo the work part, take it easy on that ...). Can the cats help?

  23. WooHoo! Pawsome job finding that ball in all that snow!
    We will be getting that snowstorm today.
    Mum hopes it will be light nd fluffy like your snow ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  24. Wow, wow, wow! Ollie says he really wishes he could join Cinnie in the soft snow! Stay warm and safe!

    Tama and Benny

  25. That sure is a lot of snow. You could send some of that to us if you want. We're still waiting for our big snow of the season. Cinnamon sure was having fun finding the ball.

  26. OH CINNIE! I am so impressed, at your swimming in the snow and finding that ball buried so deep by snomgeddon. hope it stops soon because I am now fretting over MOM raking snow from the ROOF???? so glad you have good neighbors and all of you be careful in the snow. watch out for skidding cars , even the ones you are not riding in. the old feast of famine is true for snow too. love you all, take care

  27. Oh sNOw Cinnamon that is way too much snow. OMDs OMCs Once many many many years ago we awoke one Saturday morning to 18" of snow. This was way back when we were owned by Toto the mighty mini Dachshund. Crazy German dog hated rain but OMDs did he love snow. We let him out in the front yard. He blazed his own tunnel..every now and then he'd jump up and we'd see his black nose.
    Hugs Cecilia

  28. Eeks!
    Too much snow for me!
    Stay cozy.

  29. Hi Guys - Long time, no see. Sorry Mom is sooo bad about visiting blogs that don't come to our email. We've missed you. Looks like everyone's doing pretty well. Happy New Year! Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

  30. Oh dear, we DO love snow, and we wish we had some, but that might be a bit more than we need. Tell Mom to be careful.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  31. Nice to be cats. Your Mom must have had fun (not) what a pain that much snow is!

  32. lol.....Cinnamon is a sweetheart!

  33. We don't do snow well here, although i must say it's fun to watch.

  34. Charlee: "That looks like enough snow, and then some!"
    Lulu: "Swimming in snow looks like fun. I wish I could try it."
    Chaplin: "Dogs are weird."

  35. Wow that is a LOT of snow! Stay safe all!!!! Cinnamon, you are just too cute.

  36. Whoa! Great video! Too much snow. It's illegal here to shovel snow offa the roof. When they first built the Wuena Wister next door we had to report them. Hope you didn't get the additional 8 inches.

  37. Wow! You sure got a lot of snow! We've had a little snow here in the Rochester area of WNY. Many times, the Lake Effect storms dump all the snow on the Buffalo area, and then run out when it gets to us. We're not complaining!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!