Friday, January 14, 2022

Its Fill-Ins and Caturday Art with MARV!

Furrst The Friendly Fill-Ins

1. When I run out of __________________, I use ________________as a substitute. 

When I run out of Action Figures and Lego to knock off the shelf,

I use the books and knock them out of the bookcase as a replacement!

2. I don’t understand why________________. 

I don't understand why Mom does not eat the dead birds and mice I bring her.

3. _________ is the best time to _________. 

Laying in a sun puddle is the best time to have a bath!

4. It seems like I’m the only one who _______________________.

It seems like I'm the only one who would NOT wear the tie. Mom had to Photoshop it on for the Caturday Art!

We LOVE pawticipating in the Frinedly Fill-Ins!
The Friendly Fill-ins are written by 15 and Meowing (the first 2) and the second two are written by Four-Legged Fur Balls! We hope you enjoyed learning about Kozmo as much as we love learning about you dear furrends!  You can click on the buttons to be magically taken to 15 and Meowing and the Four-Legged Furrballs blogs!

Now for Caturday Art!

I absolutely REFUSED to wear the tie. (I sure wanted the treats though). I am still giving Mom the stink eye for trying to put it on. So it was Photoshopped!

And here it is after we artified it using Photoshop!

And for your puzzling a Jigsaw!

preview120pieceMarv in Tie

We are also pawticipating at Athena & Marie's Artsy Caturday. Please click on their button to be taken to Caturday Art Central! From there you can go and see more of Marie's terrific art of Athena!


  1. Hari OM
    MOL - Marv, great fill ins and why should you wear a tie when mum is so talented with the digital eye?!! hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Happy Caturday, Marv! LOL, your Mom won't eat the mice and birds you leave for her, eh? Our Mom don't eat them either.... Enjoy those sun puddles when you can, they are the best! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Flynn couldn't understand why didn't eat the meals he brought back for me either. They didn't go to waste though as Eric never said no thanks.
    Lovely art, and thanks for the puzzle.

  4. Marv, I think that you do on in your photo shows what you think of wearing a tie. However we thank you look quite handsome. But you looked handsome line in this sunny grass, and handsome lying on the bed snoozing, and the other day you were handsome trying to read a Blue Book. Have a great weekend and dream about going outside when the snow is all melted.

    1. Thanks Precious! I was outside playing in the snow with Lucifer (the black cat across the street) and Kozmo this afternoon. It is above freezing and everything is slushy and we were running up and down the deer paths! It was fun and we came in all wet and laid on Mom! I sure will be happy when we have grass though!

  5. Your fill-ins are purrfect, Marv. Just know that I love you and I don't care if you wear a tie or not.

    Have a purrfect weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  6. Da Boyz knock books off the shelve too!
    Love the art...I'm off to puzzle, thanks.

  7. We loved reading all your fill-ins and you're so funny. You do look dashing in the tie even if you wouldn't wear it for a real picture.

  8. Sounds like you have lots of stuff to knock off the shelf, Marv! Your art looks great, even if Mom had to PS the tie on you. :)

  9. Mrs H says the red tie suits you, far more than a cut up set of hands would her. So she approves of your mums photoshop! :)

  10. you do look spiffy in your art pieces and with the tie, you also look like you don't care for the tie even photoshopped on. good job on the fill ins. I don't do those because I always draw a total blank on fill in the answers.

  11. Your mom is so unappreciative not to enjoy the birds and mice you bring her, Marv, and you look so handsome in the tie, Marv!

  12. MOL MOL MOL I love your fill ins!
    Ummm wonder if maybe Mom needs a few new some recipes for all the delicacies you bring to her.
    I agree with MadSnapper when I see the fill ins I draw a blank then I read all the answers and think well dang I coulda shoulda said that
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers and I love the photos that go with them. Someone is a big Star Wars fan. :) My hubby is a Star Trek fan. I am glad my cats don't knock down many things. You all look great in the tie. And I love the art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  14. I never liked wearing ties either, Marv

  15. Lovely art! Luckily my mum doesn't make me wear ties. I wouldn't let her anyway :)

  16. We don't think Mom would eat any of what we catch either:) And photoshopped or not, it is a great piece of Caturday Art.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Those were all fun answers the the art if fancy and purrfect!

  18. Maybe your mom is a vegetarian like me. Or maybe she likes her meat cooked, like most of the people i know.

    Anyway, you have great answers and fun art and i pray you are having a wonderful weekend.

  19. You, Marv, are my kind of cat. Any clothes you see me in are 'shopped. Great answers and art. Off to puzzle but I prolly won't let anyone see my time.

  20. MOL...loved the fill-inns and what a great job of your mom to get you dressed up with a tie, Marv😸Extra Pawkiss for all of you🐾😽💞

  21. Great job with the fill-ins! Marv I think you look fabulous in your "Mom made me wear it" tie. It suits you purrrfectly!

    Hugs, Teddy

  22. Love the fill ins. NO one has been allowed outside since Robin, the Matriarch in the family. She brought in many MANY meals for mom and the boys. The snakes weren't always welcomed though. Many of who she brought in were still living.

  23. That's pawsome art, Marv - though We can certainly understand your refusal to wear a tie.

  24. That is a mystery about the dead bird and mice. Humans are weird. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!