Saturday, October 23, 2021

Marv's Selfie

 I got to be the designated selfie this week. Well, truth be told, I decided that I wanted to be the selfie this week! Now Mom, if you are done taking pictures of me, its been exactly 15 minutes since you fed me, I can feel the icy grip of starvation! 

Feed ME!!!

AND, I posed, I should get treats!

We are very sad that the beautiful Ruby has gone over the bridge. We will miss her.

We are pawticipating in one of our favorite hops run by some of our favorite bloggers! Selfie Sunday is hosted by The Cat on My Head! Click on The Cat on My head's button and you will be magically transported to their  their blog! 


  1. That looks like a professional portrait of you, Marv, and it's just beautiful! We miss Ruby.

  2. I could just stare into your green eyes for hours, Marv. Precious

  3. Marv you are one handsome guy! your selfie is pawfect or purrfect which ever you want to call it.. I did sit and stare into your eyes for a moment

  4. Hari OM
    That, Marv, is just about the most pawfect pose!!! I hope the foodables were forthcoming. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. MY gosh are sooo handsome. What a great selfie!

  6. Marv you sound just like Yang, he always wants to eat.

  7. Great job, Marv. SO handsome! We hope you got those well-deserved treats! XO

  8. Well H E L L O Marv...I love you little head tilt
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. That's a great selfie. We hope you got those treats for all your efforts.

  10. Charlee: "15 minutes since you ate?! That's borderline neglect!"
    Chaplin: "Not even borderline!"
    Lulu: "We sure were sorry to hear that our friend Ruby had to go away. We will miss her happy face!"

  11. That is an amazing portrait selfie Marv!

  12. Very nice selfie, Marv! We can see that you are starved!

    Tama and Benny

  13. Nice selfie, Marv. But you do look like you’re wasting away. MOL!

  14. And a wonderful pose it is. So handsome. Looks like an authors picture on the back of his book.

  15. Yes, for that magnificent pose, you deserve treats. Maybe a good bagful of treats.

  16. I am playing catchup this weekend after the Cat Writers' Conference so, sorry I am late, but I am glad to be here!

    Icy grip of starvation eh??As if Marv!!!!

  17. Well, if it's cold there you might need *some* noms in your belly to fuel the inner furnace!

    That is a very special selfie, Marv! Its beautiful!

  18. Well, Marv, according to The Yum Yum Coalition Guide to Doggie Employment, the standard pay for a photo session is two Yum Yum treats. I suppose the same rule could apply to kitties.

  19. Good job as always on the selfie Marv!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!