Monday, June 7, 2021

Weekly Pet Horoscopes June 8 - 14, 2021

 We were sad to read about Timmy Tomcat yesterday. 
Timmy, Toby, Rumpy, Miss Fitz, Einstein and Dad Pete, we send you our LOVE, virtual hugs and strength. You are in our purrayers.

On to the Horoscopes!

If you don't know what sign your pet is, click this link to the Farmer's Almanac's Pet Zodiac Traits page, This page explains the different traits for pets born under each zodiac sign. If you already know when your pet was born, it is fun to see if your pet’s sign seems true. has Cat Astrology: Traits by Zodiac Sign. Click this link to read the traits for cats!

If you would like a Free Birthday Horoscope for your pet, send us an email and we will try to get it done for you!

 Here are the horoscopes we have written for you for June 8-14 2021, with your Purrsonal lucky day.

Aries (Mar. 21- Apr. 20)  Use your wiles to get your way today and tomorrow, you will be surprised with how far you can get with your wit and charm Thursday. Friday and Saturday you need patience. Life returns to a slower pace, but not for long: Things move to fast forward on Sunday. Monday, everything is clear! And you can see for miles! Your purrsonal lucky day is Tuesday. You talk and your human listens. 
Taurus (Apr. 21- May 21) Tuesday take things one step at a time and don't let the other furblings push you around. Wednesday and Thursday you are too busy rushing around to have a heartfelt conversation with your human. But Friday and Saturday, you have no problems. Sunday someone says something incredibly flattering to you. As you are not human you can't do everything or be all things on Monday. Things that are difficult for you are a snap for your human(s). Your purrsonal lucky day is Thursday. A new wand toy or a ball are yours!

Gemini (May 22-June 21)  Today you are more active than usual. The day's energy demands play and fun. Wednesday things are great around the house but outside, they're even better! Thursday, seek the advice from your human(s). Friday and Saturday, show the world what you're made of. Sunday isn't a good day for getting things done. Inspiration strikes Monday, make a sculpture from the paper roll. Your purrsonal lucky day is Monday. Your human(s) brings out the best in you with their love! 
Cancer (June 22-July 22) First there's one intruder, then another. Will there be another? Some days multiple deliveries are a coincidence. Wednesday, you're better off doing your own thing. (If you have to be social, think before speaking.) Thursday and Friday bring word of good new, and your mood is exceptional this weekend. Monday is fabulishious! You are even more extroverted and impulsive than usual. Your purrsonal lucky day is Monday. You get celebrity attention!
Leo (July 23-Aug 22) You are the love bug today! Wherever you find yourself, you're happy to be there and can't wait to share the good times. Thursday you learn something new about yourself. Friday and Saturday, a ton of attention comes your way for something you never expected to be a big deal, and you spend the rest of the weekend basking in happiness. Your friends are a good influence on you on Monday. Your purrsonal lucky day is Saturday. You get a special treat (or two).

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You are a troublemaker today and Wednesday. Mischief is the order of the day. Thursday, as happy as you may be, relations with furblings are strained, and you may end your day in a state of frustration. Friday and Saturday, you are more compatible than ever. Dinner Saturday night is the highlight of the weekend, although Sunday has the potential to be great, too. Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Saturday. What was lost is found and you are delighted!
Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Today you are confident. You want to sit and stare at the beauty outside. Your quiet energy is perfect for showing the humans how to live! You're a pleasure to be around, which explains why, midweek, someone is all over you. You have the power to make Thursday wonderful or terrible (it depends on you). Friday and Saturday are going to be amazing. Toys, duets and fun figure strongly. Sunday, your energy is through the roof. You're not in the mood for playing Monday. You need an intellectual conversation. Your purrsonal lucky day is Monday. Extra treats and extra LOVE!
Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)  Tuesday you appear dreamy though you are aware of all that's going on around you, even if it looks like you're fast asleep! Wednesday and Thursday seem like a reality check, sadly you will have to pull your weight (a mouse in the house purrhaps). Friday and Saturday, things are up and down, you need to deal with the issues at hand. Sunday you get to take it easy. Be careful, Monday something that seems minor could become something huge. Your purrsonal lucky day is Thursday! Something magical happens.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Life isn't always fair, but you know your human(s) love you and keep you safe, even if they are keeping you from big adventures! Wednesday and Thursday, nothing can get in the way of your fun. Friday and Saturday's demands are doable. You are a master communicator and everything is fine. On Sunday, it’s all talk and little action. And Monday a sunpuddle calls your name. Your purrsonal lucky day is Sunday! You get super cuddles!
Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You're in the middle of some serious work, rearranging the human(s) stuff or stalking that fly. You realize this is what you're meant to do. Wednesday and Thursday, your creativity causes a problem. But Friday and Saturday were made for fun! After all the entertaining activities on Saturday, spend Sunday telling your human(s) how you feel. Monday, speak loudly. The more articulate you are, the better. Your purrsonal lucky day is today, Sunday. Something you lost is found!
Aquarius (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)  Monday you are likely to say hello to strangers (even those you would run from). You get extra pets and maybe even a tbrush! Wednesday you think about things you would not think about and this continues through Thursday. Friday and Saturday are normal and family-oriented. Sunday don't sit back and watch your human, they need your love and you to play with them. Monday roll over for a belly rub, your human and you will both be happy. Your purrsonal lucky day is Sunday. Treats, playtime and more treats.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Tuesday you're in the mood to show off -- climb up on that precarious perch or Stand up on your back legs. Make sure you're as good as you think you are! Wednesday and Thursday are a little confusing. Extra special food is yours on Friday. And you love everyone! Saturday is a day of soft pillows, singing birds, and cuddling. Sunday, a perfect day for sleeping in, is more of the same. Monday, do things you enjoy. Your human will treat you like royalty. Your purrsonal lucky day is Monday. Cuddles, play and a new toy!

This is the 26th Week of Writing the horoscopes 

June's Night Sky Events

 June is a busy month in the stars. There is a ton of different things happening and we have found a video that describes them. The following Calendar is from It has clickable links that describe what is happening on that date.


And below is a Youtube video that describes all the events for June 2021! 


And because we can, we are pawticipating in Comedy Plus' Happy Tuesday, You can click on the button to be taken to her site!  Thanks Sandee! We LOVE your hops!


  1. June, busy in the sky and at our house as well, LOL! A whole bunch of birthdays, Father's Day, and stuff at our church, and on and on...and if the clouds go away, we might be able to see some of this sky busyness!

    1. And yes, It is very sad about dear Timmy...we wish him all the best love, and to his furmily, too.

  2. the love bug and the trouble maker... it seems an interesting day LOL... hugs and potp to timmy...

  3. my heart hurts with and for Timmy Tomcat and his family... prayers and hugs to all of them. libra fits Beau today, he is teaching his humans new things daily. and on Monday, he will get treats because he has a vet appt

  4. Mom and I are also very sad about Timmy but we also know that his Dad is taking extra special care of him and loves him more than words can say. Thanks for the horoscope - looks like I'm getting a food treat on Friday.....can't wait!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. We send Timmy Tomcat lots of positive vibes♥

  6. Gas is Sagittarius Kitty, that unfair part was true last week but not this week. All's fair for me this week and I'm making plenty of Demands. We keep an eye on Timmy also, and hope he and his dad are doing well today.

  7. Our horoscopes are looking pretty good for all of us. We hope they hold true for the weekend :) Thanks for posting them.

  8. My horoscope is spot on for me! I know all of those things are in the offing and I will enjoy them.

    Mom and I were really saddened by Timmy's diagnosis. Mom has loved him even before I came to be Queen here. I love him too and know that he and his Dad will keep right on being best friends and drawing strength from one another.

    Thanks for your good wishes and meows yesterday for Brovver. XO

  9. Hari OM
    the sky remains uncooperative above the Hutch - but the stars often do align! hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. I am so sorry about Timmy....

    My (Capricorn) suggests I avoid hard work...OKEY DOKEY fine by me that means I won't be doing my least favorite chore today...D U S T I N G
    hugs Cecilia

  11. WOW, "Friday and Saturday you need patience. Life returns to a slower pace, but not for long: Things move to fast forward on Sunday. Monday, everything is clear!" That is so darn true. We hadn't heard about Timmy, thanks for telling us.

  12. Prayers for Timmy Tomcat.

    It's always good to know what kind of a week our furbabes are going to have.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  13. Oh dear big hugs and prayers for Timmy. And thanks for the star calendar!

  14. Thank you for the kitty horoscopes! So sorry to hear about Timmy Tomcat and we send them hugs and purrs.

  15. guyz...thiz week we will bee gemini coz knot onlee iz we grate with litter box art; we can make an awesum 3 dee creationz outta toy let paperz !!! :) ♥♥♥

  16. You are true blue friends. Dad and I have wet eyes and thank you so much for thinking of us. We are doing well today and it is a day at a time of special noms and love. Thanks so much we love you all

  17. I was very sad to hear about Timmy Tomcat, but know dad Pete will take the best care of him. I was hoping to see the partial eclipse on Thursday morning, but surprise surprise we have rain forecast.
    I remember the last total solar eclipse in the UK. I think it was 1999 and was amazing to see. We live quite high up and have an uninterrupted view down over Cornwall for probably 40 miles. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky. As the sun slowly got covered it was like a huge shadow creeping towards us. In a way it was quite foreboding. As it went dark everything fell silent, not a bird to be heard. The next one here is not until 2090 so the last one was definitely a once in a lifetime event.

  18. We too are very sad about Timmy, we send him and his family our best.

    Timber says he wishes his horoscope (Gemini) could be true. He wants to run and have fun, but it is hot and humid and hazy here today - a good day to enjoy the a/c inside.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. I am so sad about Timmy. I am praying he has a lot more time.
    Sammy and Joanie thank you for their horoscope. Today was the day someone was all over them- my great- niece. :) XO

  20. I am sad to hear the news about Timmy. I will purr to the stars for him. ~Ernie

  21. We opt for Pisces this week, as next Monday Little Girl will be catsitting and she brings the best treats and is a good cuddler.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!