Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Special Thank You to Jackie



 We are so very thankful for our long time blogging friend, Jackie. One of the blogs that inspired me (actually Nellie Bellie) to start writing was Two Devon Cats. Eric and Flynn were two Ginger Tuxies and Nellie (and I) were smitten with their adventures in the British Devon country side. 

Eric and Flynn are so exciting to read because of Jackie's writing. She made their adventures through the fields, their expert knowledge of mouse hunting, intruuders, climbing trees and how to sleep in pots in the greenhouse exciting and fun. Because of Jackie, I was introduced to the world of cat blogs and I began-first with Nellie and now with Marv. Through the last 12 years we have become blogging friends. Even with the passing of Eric and much later Flynn, she still publishs "flashbacks" of Eric and Flynn Forever on Patrol, but she also has a marvellous blog of photos from her travels (Jackie's Photos Blog). She is still a most frequent commentor on mine and many other blogs.

THis last weekend, Jackie entered hospital with suspected TIA(s) and she is also a long time cancer survivor. Please keep her, and her cherished husband Ivor in your purrayers. We are sending extra special hugs, head bonks, purrayers and  strength to both Jackie and her husband Ivor. 

If you like, you can leave your wishes at Eric and Flynn's Blog

Or, on Facebook here:

Again, an enormous THANK YOU to Jackie for all her wonderful comments, her support and encouragement when I had difficulties. 
We are linking to Brian's Thankful Thursday. You can click on his button to go and see all the Thankfulness this week!


  1. Oh dear, Jackie didn't need more issues to deal with.
    Love the cards/graphics you and Ann made.

  2. Jackie Eric Flynn and indeed Ivor make a wonderful team. Seeing the flashbacks of Eric and Flynn, and reading of ther adventures is so much fun and inspiring. Jackie is such a star and we hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

  3. we send all our good wishes to her... and we hope that they help her to be better...

  4. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Miss Jackie and we hope that she is feeling better soon♥

  5. Dear Jackie is at the top of our prayer list - we hope she's home soon AND that her heart - which is open to everyone - will be OK.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  6. Barb ~ beautiful, caring and truly heart to heart.

  7. Hari OM
    Although not a lady or blog with which I have connected, anyone within our 'six degrees' surely deserves POTP and Love at such a difficult time- so I add mind to the universal pot! YAM xx

  8. Thanks for letting us know they inspired us to start cat blogging too.

  9. I was so devastated to learn what Jackie is going through. What a beautiful blog you wrote that says it all, every word, for me as well. Thank you Barb.

  10. Jo Jo, I am thankful your mom went on the blogging Trail and gave us hiking directions so we can follow your furry and your Human family. Of course you know our moms are the ones with thumbs so they have to help us navigate all these places. Precious

  11. We are all sending our best purrs and prayers to dear Jackie. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. We're sorry to hear about your friend, Jackie, and have our paws crossed that she gets well soon.

  13. I love Jackie too. I hope she feels better soon and can come home to Ivor.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to you. ♥

  14. Sending lots of purrs and hugs to Jackie.

  15. Barb and furries what a beautiful post to dear Jackie
    Hugs cecilia

  16. Many hopes and purrs that Jackie will feel better soon and can come home from the hospital.

  17. We're sending our best POTP Jackie's way.

  18. I am praying for sweet Jackie. XO

  19. We have only recently started following Jackie's blog with all those beautiful phots, and the adventures of Eric and Flynn. We have all our paws crossed along with added prayers from Mom for Jackie to be doing well again.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. We are purring lots for Jackie. My human remembers when Eric and Flynn were alive and wandering the Devon countryside.

  21. Lots of prayers for Ms. Jackie, i hope she gets to come home soon.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!