Friday, June 18, 2021

Presents!!! From June! And Art

I have to confess, I think that June at Zoolatry is the the coolest grrl cat EVER!

Her Mom and my Mom have worked on a couple of projects together. Mom has followed Zooalatry (the blog) since forever. I Love June and I ALWAYS read her blog! Mom says I go on and on about her. But I DO think she is extra special! 

Mom came home from the post office with a box and she told me that it was from June and her Mom Ann. I could not wait to see what was in the box!

There were some cool pewter inside. LOOK! This is ME! Cut out in pewter! June, you picked purrfect! Mom says she could put her coffee cup on it, but I asked if we could hang it in the window right beside my cat tree!

Besides the lovely portrait of me, there is a key ring with a Maple Leaf and 3 cat butt magnetic hooks (which are going on our fridge).  Mom LOVES everything! She thanks Ann very much.

We are so furry thankful that we have such wonderful furrends! Thank you Ann and June! 

Box Day

We are not Boxer cats. None of us would get in a box this week. Alex put Kozmo into the box and this is the only halfways decent photo that was taken. (It was a terrible photo). But we thought we could make a nice piece of art of it. I like it and so does Kozmo.

We are pawticipating in Artsy Caturday at Athena and Marie's blog. We Used the Painnt App to turn it into a wonderful piece of art. 
Marie (Athena's Mom) makes incredible art. Click on her button to be taken to her blog to see all of the flabulishious art. 


  1. Marv, you picked well. June is the cutest cat ever (other than me). What a sweet package of pewter. Love the art. Every time I try to use Paintt, the result is a disaster. Dunno why.

  2. Wow, maybe no kitties were into boxes, but you GOT a box full of special things on Box Day!!

    We love June and her Mom, too...and of course we love all of you as well!!

  3. These are such lovely and thoughtful gifts. And the cat butt magnets are hilarious.

  4. What lovely gifts from Ann and June!
    Kozmo, your art is lovely.

  5. Very beautiful gifts! The magnetic hooks with cat butt are so funny! From now on I will smile just thinking about them! 😊
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  6. WOW - no wonder you have a crush on June - she is a pretty kitty AND she and her Mom sure did send you lots of cool little presents! Happy Box Day. My Mom says I didn't get the "box gene" because I don't hop in boxes like most cats do. Oh well.....I do like my basket - that's close right?

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Hari Om
    Oh aren't those items just so pretty - and useful! You have indeed picked well when it comes to furiends. ...and Kozmo does not look best pleased! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. June says, with head bowing down, "all the furries, well ~ humans, too ~ at Cats-astrophic are dear to us" and very, very special.
    The Mom says, dust cloth in hand, "oh me, oh my, now there is double the cat fur on my keyboard!!!"

  9. Marv, those are wonderful gifts and that coaster looks just like you. But I understand about The Cat In The Box not working out. Just trying to make a cat do anything and you might as well just wait for something Israel is a rainbow to happen. But it's a good blog and I like the picture of Kozmo. Have a great weekend.

  10. Marv, I love seeing love! And good to now you have a lady cat friend.

  11. What perfect gifts from Juney and Miss Ann, and you look so cute in your box, Kozmo!

  12. That was super nice of June and her Mom. We like your box photo. Noelle isn't a fan of boxes either.

    The Florida Furkids

  13. I love that coaster and kozmo in the box is so cute. I just came from seeing your girlfriend June in 2 boxes and a bag. Beau pays no attention to boxes at all.. most of all I love the avatar baloons... wild clapping for your post today

  14. What a fun filled post today!!! Marv you have excellent tastes in Lady Cats
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Those are sure nice gifts and such wonderful Kozmo art too!

  16. What wonderful pressies you got from June and her mom. We don't do boxes here either since we're too big for most boxes but we do like to box with each other sometimes.

  17. It's always fun to get cool presents!

  18. Oh my mouses, my friend, you look marvelous in pewter, for sure. Marvelous, I say. MARVELOUS! purrs

  19. Those are nice presents@ Great portrait Marv and I love the cat butt magnets too! Cool art of Kozmo too!

  20. We are all box lovers here and disagree often about whose turn it is to occupy any box that arrives at the house. We think the art is really terrific. Do we sense a romance brewing? Very nice gifts. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  21. Wow! What great presents! Hooray!

  22. We all LOVE Ann and June and Angel Zoey and Angel Maggy. Ann has been our super duper friend for a very long time. She creates all our fun images and keeps our blog looking spiffy. We didn't want to bother her for some box shots because of all the trouble she was having with her computer. Mom is going to see what she can find in our Zoolatry archives and see if we have one that is suitable for today.

    Happy Saturday.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. Those are lovely gifts, and it's okay if you weren't feeling boxy this week.

  24. Pawsome box photo! June and Mom Ann are the best, and those are such amazing gifts!

  25. How nice of June and her mom to send you such cool gifts!

  26. That does look like you. Such sweet gifts. I love your art, so pretty. XO

  27. Oh my CAT what perfect gifts. Yes!! June is really special (and super cute!)

  28. What wonderful gifts from Juney and Mom Ann! We love them Marv! And hey, we love Kozmo's art, too!

  29. What lovely gifts - especially the cat butt magnets (mol). And the art is superb!

  30. Charlee: "Loot! That looks like good stuff to help everyone remember to worship the cats!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!