Thursday, June 17, 2021

Feline Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday with Marv

 This week, I, Marv, am Doing the Friendly Fill-Ins

You can click on the buttons to be magically taken to 15 and Meowing and the Four-Legged Furrballs blogs!


 Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins. Ellen of 15 and Meowing came up with the first two and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. 


1. If I could trade places with someone for a day, I would trade with M.C. Escher's Cat. Above is a woodcut he did of him and his cat and a tessellation of cats.



2. I would like to own a Ferrari (like Mr Spitty the Kitty) some day.

3. I can’t stand mosquitoes this time of the year. 

4.The long days are my favorite thing about this time of the year.


Feline Friday with Jo Jo

We are also pawticipating In Comedy Plus' Feline Friday! Click the button to be magically taken to Feline Friday at Comedy Plus! 





  1. Loved your fill ins!
    You seem to have more daylight than we do, you must be at a higher latitude...we have at least 30 minutes more daylight than my sister near Toronto, since we are so much further west. We are almost west enough to be in the central time zone, but that would be a pain, since se are in such a large state.

  2. the mama said she would have problems with getting in and out if we had a furrari.... who said that we will invite her for a ride? hahahaha

  3. We have roughly the same amount of sun as you (when it shines). Today it rises slightly later than you at 5.04 but sets later at 21.31. The humidity is 30% down on yesterday at 63%. It is very rare it gets that low.
    You can keep your mosquitoes too! Alaska and Scotland are the two worst places we found for them. Our biggest problem is horse flies.
    That is a lovely photo and background, JoJo.

  4. No complaints on the weather from our neck of the woods right now. Mom and dad sleep with a few of our windows open to help keep the temp inside comfortable. That way we don't need to run the a/c at all. Dad says he's right there with you on #3's answer. They seem to be drawn to him.

  5. Marv, right now I'm covered in mosquito bites and I'm not happy about it. Drive me nuts. But the weather has been perfect for the last 3 or 4 days with a cold front that has actually meant sleeping with the blanket back on the bed. Jo Jo looks as lovely as always. All of you have a great weekend and thanks for the variety of photos and information this Friday.

  6. Hari OM
    Oh yes, I love the long light... here it starts about 0330h and goes through to 2330 ... and in truth, never really goes completely 100% dark - for this week at least! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Happy Happy Feline and Nature Friday all.
    I 87 x love that snazzy red sports car. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. When your Ferrari arrives and you get free time, I would love to go for a spin with you!

  9. Kozmo and I are headed out to a romantic location in that Ferrari as soon as he can book an appointment tent in it what with everyone else in the family.
    Mom said she LURVES MC Escher! She has what books of his works, that she can find. All my favorite brothers like him too.
    We have had 4 days of sunshine...we will "pay" for it later with several weeks of rain as usual, I am sure. But for now..we are really loving the sun.

  10. JoJo you look a lot like the Bobcats that I see on kb blog. Tomorrow I don't want a Rollie but I sure would like to have a brand new Kia Soul. You would look great in a Ferrari

  11. Every "fill in" is spot on for us ... Hi, JoJo, lookin' good.
    (ps: being bold here, but did anything arrive via snail mail from June, wondering if it be late ...?)

  12. We loved reading your fill-ins and agree that mosquitoes are not fun (biting flies are the worst though).

  13. Your fill-ins made me smile. Mosquitoes love me. They will pass everyone else and come and bite me. Awful.

    JoJo is most adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  14. We love your fill-ins and illustrations! We can't believe how much daylight you have!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Escher was a fantastic artist, and I didn't know he had a cat!

  16. Good answers and I can't stand the mosquitoes either! Love that MC Escher art! I'd seen the one on the left of him and his cat, but never the other picture of all the cats. Cool! Love the photo of Jo Jo by the river, too!

  17. Those were all good answers and that's a fabulous Jo Jo photo!

  18. In a few days the nights will start getting longer as the countdown begins to Christmas! How the time flies. I hope your feet can reach the pedals in a Ferrari Marv

  19. Those are some really great fill ins Marv and the first one is so original. What a great idea! That Spitty was some cat. What a car! Love you too Jojo

  20. Great fill-ins! I think we all enjoy the longer days!

  21. Nice job on the fill-ins, Marv. We don't like mosquitos either, or any kind of bug. That Ferrari looks like it would be a lot of fun to ride in (and very fast too).

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. You and Jo Jo are cuties. Thank you Marv for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I don't like mosquitoes either. I hope you get a Ferrari. XO

  23. Marv! Good job on the fill-ins! I hate mosquitos too - they bite my Mom and she yells like she's mad so I guess she isn't a fan of them either.

    Hugs, Teddy

  24. Good job on your fill-ins, Marv. Our mom put that she would like to own a convertible. We don’t think she is picky about the make or model. Very lovely photo of you, JoJo. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  25. Long days are wonderful, although they do get a little hot around here.

    How i wish we could put mosquitoes on the endangered species list, i wouldn't mind that at all!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!