Saturday, April 24, 2021

Selfie Sunday with Jo Jo

Jo Jo is Orange

Mom is Blue

 It is Sunday and that means it is Selfie Time. It was Jo Jo's turn and I asked her if she was ready to pose for the selfie.

I was a little surprised and I said, Why?

Jo Jo then told me how I had given both Kozmo and Marv more treats than her, not only last night, but the night before that too! She told me that Kozmo had gotten 13, Marv had 12 and she only got 10 last night. She then jumped down out of the cat bed in the bay window and stomped off.  

A little later I caught up to her in the bedroom.

I said, "Jo Jo, I am sorry, I did not realize you got less treats than the boys. I don't usually count them, I just grab and give."

She said, "I want to stay mad at you longer."

I said, "What can I do to make it up to you?"

She said, "I want you to count out the treats, out loud and make sure that I get 2 more than Marv and Kozmo!"

I said, "How about I count out loud YOUR treats and then just give Marv and Kozmo theirs. That way they won't get mad because they are getting less than you."

"Deal!" Said Jo Jo, "Meet me in the living room."

And here is her Selfie Sunday picture! 

Does that look like a smirk to you?

We are grateful we can share our selfies and see all the other pawticipants at the Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday blog hop!
Please click on their button to be taken to their website and see all the other wonderful selfies! Also, the beautiful Lisbeth is beyond sad. Her love, 💘  Charles has gone over the bridge and she has a Charles sized hole in her heart. We send her our love and condolences.


  1. You had better make sure Marv gets his nourishment Jojo!!! Poor lad needs his nourishment ;-)

  2. Nice selfie, Jo Jo! I'm glad you made your human work for it. MOL!

  3. Looks like JoJo settled for that treat deal you offered.....sounds fair to me!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. That was good bargaining JoJo, and that is definitely a smirk!

  5. most definitely a smirk. and please, keep us updated as to how many treats you get, don't let her slide back.. Loving the Tail Shot and the Peering out of the Basket Shot... you do selies really well

  6. Oh good gosh, Jo Jo- if that isn't a smug smirk I don't know what is!

  7. Jo Jo you stick to you paws. You make your mom give you those extra treats. Sounds to me like she needs to give you the daily amount plus two and three more extra to make up for everything. Otherwise you're a beautiful kitty and we were glad to see you featuring today.

  8. Hari OM'd do well in Asian markets, JoJo! hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Now that is what We call a Cat who knows how to Negotiate (mol).

  10. MOL! held out until you got what you wanted. Good job!

  11. I didn't know cats could count. It's time to insist on your own bank account, JoJo.

  12. You know, charge the powers that be for your "modeling services" ... after all you're an excellent poser,
    and think of all the ca$h you could sock away ... buy your own treats, have more treats than any other kitty!

  13. You got a great deal!!! Raz is impurressed!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. JoJo OMCs I am so very proud that you put your Paw down...that was one fine itty bitty hissy kitty fitty!
    with the proper outcome.
    I love it
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. That is a beautiful selfie JoJo, I'm glad you got that whole treat thing worked through with your Mom - best to talk things out for sure.

  16. According to the Yum Yum Coalition Guide to Doggie Employment, written by our angel Joseph (Joey dog) Spaniel, Doggie Chief Inspector, Comestibles Dept. the standard pay for a photo session is two yum yum treats. Sounds like you kitties get a lot more than doggies.

    1. We only get treats at bed time! I think I shall demand photo treats as well! Thank you for telling me about your Yum Yum Coalition Guide Chester. I shall be investigating! Jo Jo

  17. Ha! That's a smirk and it's adorable!

  18. Jo JO looks like she definitely has pulled one over on the others!

  19. Well, thank goodness that everything worked out in the end. We are glad Jo Jo got the treats she deserved, and even more glad she took such a nice selfie (nice smirk ... MOL). :)

  20. Your negotiating skills are excellent. Nice selfie too. XO

  21. Yep! We think it's a smirk. And we also think your negotiating skills are superb.

  22. We love your smirky selfie, Jo Jo!

  23. Dunno, Jo Jo, I think the human got the best of you somehow. Now I want treats.

  24. Nice selfie, JoJo, we're glad you could solve that treat problem with your human ! Purrs

  25. Great selfie for showing off your perfect smirk.

  26. You drive a hard bargain, JoJo, but you made out well in the end.

  27. Heeheehee! Yep, sometimes you just want to stay mad longer, but then a better deal comes along.

  28. Great way of negotiating yourself to get more treats.

  29. We keep close tabs on the treat count here too, but we do think Mom is pretty fair. Lovely selfie, Jo Jo -even the first one when you were still upset.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  30. We have the Treat count going at our house too Jojo so keep Mom on her toes

  31. Oh, yes...a smirk, for the bribery, LOL!

    Bribery needs a smirk because you succeeded in getting your way!

  32. Charlee: "Nothing like a camera showing up for selfies when you're all cozy in your cave!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!