Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wordy Wednesday with Angel Nellie

Mes had to tells everyone how sad mes was about Spitty's unexpected journey across the bridge.

Rather than talks about how bereaved mes is at Spitty leaving yous, mes thought mes would like to share some of the things wes did as furrends! 

Wes both started to blog about the same time way back in 2010 and soon wes was best furrends. 

Spitty had many, many grrl furrends and mes had many many boy furrends, and wes all LOVED hanging out together! Here is a photo of me, Admiral Hestorb and Katie Isabella shortly after the Admiral went over the bridge and we were telling Katie about Spitty!

And None of us lady cats was jealous, we loved that Spitty loved our furrends! He loved Ayla, CK, Katie Isabella, just to name a few and they was ALL my furrends.

Not only was Spitty A King he was a Cat From Hell and he was Agent 00.6 at the Feline Bureau of  Investigation!

When Mr. Chirpy (who was the bird brained mastermind behind a twitter virus) escaped, Spitty and mes went to Alcatraz and captured him for the FBI! It was a good thing Spitty had furrends in high places or wes would both still bes in jail!

Driving in his Furrari

Spitty was a King and a Prince! Below is Spitty's Coat of Arms

His Ducal Crown and Flaming Balls of Fire
And as King of San Francisco, he made mes a Viceroy
If we was at the same pawty, we loved to hang out together!

 We even used the cat tunnels to goes out on a date, or 2, or 2 dozen... Mes has a video of a movie date using our tunnels and the vortex!

When mes gotted sick and was heading toward the bridge, he came and visited and bringed Katie Isabella.

He was generous and he and his Peep sended gifts! After mes had gone OTB, he sended Marv some wonderful Christmas presents (as his Secret Santa)! Marv was over the moon!

Spitty yous was a Gift! And a Gift that keeped on giving!

Thanks yous for LOVING all of us - just the way we is!  Thanks yous for being so exciting and going on crazy adventures with me (and with many others in the blogosphere)! And thanks yous for making everyone's lives so much HAPPIER! And thanks yous for sharing your joi de vivre!

You's is PAWSOME and yous will bes missed by those who is still on the other side! 
Especially your human.
Mes, however, is glad to cuddles with yous again! Mes has missed yous so furry much.

Though this has Many Words, we are posting it at Comedy Plus' Wordless Wednesday. Please click the button to go and see all the other wonderful Wordless Wednesday posts! 



  1. That is a wonderful and heartfelt tribute to a great kitty! How he will be missed, but forever loved.

  2. super sweet... oooh to remember the time as we all were together...

  3. Sweet tribute to the King and Prince!

  4. A very beautiful story, which I laughed and cried at the same time. Congratulations!

    Have a fine day and a beautiful spring!

  5. Aw, darling Nellie, how Spitty adored you! I, the Human, feel comforted to imagine you and Spitty together again with all the other wonderful blog-cats who have crossed the Bridge. We love you and your Mom and all your fur siblings, both on earth and in the Land Beyond. I loved re-reading all your adventures together! And I want to thank your Mom for helping you put together all these wonderful memories. XOXOXO

  6. Dear Nellie, this is such a lovely tribute to King Spitty. I am glad you are reunited at the Bridge along with all those other Angel friends.

  7. Hari OM
    what a wonderfurs post for memories well held!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. I wish that I could have known Spitty and Nellie. What a wonderful tribute♥

  9. Dear Sweet Nellie - Angel Sammy told me you were a very very special ladycat and you loved EVERYONE but I know Spitty was "special"...he was special to Sammy too in a different way. I'm happy you can be with Spitty all the time now but he sure did leave behind a lot of friends who miss him terribly just as I know you have been missed. This was a very sweet recollection of many memories for you of Spitty. Please give him a hug from me because I know I would have loved to know him better - like you and Angel Sammy and so many others did!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. What a beautiful post for Spitty. We are still so shocked and sad that he has gone OTB but glad he has
    you and other friends there with him.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. What a wonderful tribute to Spitty. He was well loved and I loved what he did with the city. Purrfect.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. Smooches to Marv. ♥

  12. A special story with memories very much... alive!
    Thank you for sharing it!
    All the best in this new Spring!

  13. Angel Nellie
    Spitty was a most handsome house panther with a fine set of Whiskers
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. That was a sweet tribute to Spitty, thanks.

  15. This is the Purrfect tribute to spiti and what a life he lived. I am happy to hear that the two of you are together again Over the Rainbow Bridge and said that you were both over that bridge.

  16. A beautiful remembrance of Angel Spitty, and all that he meant to you, Angel Nellie!
    We have the sads, but humans know that cats must do things in their own time, and in their own way.
    Hugs and purrs.

  17. So sorry about Spitty. What a wonderful tribute.

  18. That was just the best and you and Spitty made our leaky eyes smile big time!

  19. We're so sorry to hear about your friend crossing the Bridge. What a great tribute you wrote!

  20. What a beautiful tribute to Spitty! We were so sad to learn that he went to the Bridge.

  21. What a wonderpurr tribute to Spitty! Yoo had so much fun, and I'm weepy even though I didn't know him. It's so hard on our hearts when our family and friends go over the rainbow bridge. But memories soon cast sunshine on our gloom, and we can rejoice that we knew them, even for a short while. Purrs, Dori

  22. You had so many wonderful adventures together. I am sure you were waiting to greet him in Heaven. XO

  23. That was so sweet. King Spitty was a really magnificent fellow and will be missed as Nellie is. They are now reunited and looking down with love on us all

  24. Wow, Spitty was alarge part of your life, Angel Nellie. What great memories.


  25. What a lovely tribute to your friend, Nellie! Oddly enough, we never knew Spitty but he has obviously been a very important presences in the Blogosphere. Sad as it is that he is gone, you must be loving having him there at the Bridge with all of you! And it is always so special to see YOU, Nellie!

    Tama and Genji

  26. Aww, Angel Nellie, that was so very sweet of you to honor Spitty this way. AND we learned a lot about you too since we are new to your family's blog.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. I will miss Spitty as I do you, Nellie Bellie, each day that I have left here on this side of the veil. We had the best of times...we laughed...had pawties and played and did all that over again. I love you Nellie and Spitty of course you know I love you. We, you, me and Admiral before me have spent many many nights UTB whispering and bathing.
    All my love Nellie,and tell Spitty I love him. You're right darling girlfriend. No jealousy. Just the best of times and always, love.

  28. What a lovely tribute to your friend.

  29. This is a lovely post. We will all miss Spitty.

  30. It is good to hold on to those happy memories because they will help you heal.

  31. What a lovely post, Angel Nellie! We bet you, Spitty, Moosey, Gracie, Zoe, and so many of our other angels are all having a great time together at the Bridge. We love and miss you so much.

  32. What a beautiful tribute to Spitty!

    It's so heartbreaking when our beloved pets cross the rainbow bridge.

  33. Awww... This made me tear up. Best wishes, my dears.

  34. My condolences to all who knew and loved Spitty, i know he will be missed.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!