Sunday, March 28, 2021

SPARK and Awww

We are still catching up! We did not get to visit everyone the last couple of days but we hope to tomorrow.  


McGuffy’s who was hosting the Sparks is on hiatus.  She says “I truly do believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. There is hope. Together, we can light up the entire world!

Sparks Badge 

This week's Spark is from Mom and Cinnamon. They are filled with gratitude that they were not injured last Friday. Close calls make you realize how precious your friends are and your life is.


Now the AWWW!

There is only one joke this week. This could be a good thing!


No frogs were eaten creating this joke!

We are pawticipating in Comedy Plus's Awww Monday! Please click on the button to be taken to the Comedy Plus Blog!


  1. Oh, Marv, you sure know how to make petcretary giggle!!

    We too are very thankful that you and your Mom were not hurt, Cinnamon!

  2. Ouch! Your joke did it again, Marv!

  3. hahahahah now we know why frogs are on da french menu cards

  4. HAHAHA! Angel Sammy used to have a frog for a friend here. He lived under our sidewalk and would come out to see Sammy. They'd walk down the sidewalk together. Mom has photos of him - he disappeared when Angel Sammy left us. Mom says maybe he was Sammy's "Angel Escort" and helped him find the Bridge? Maybe....truth is often stranger than fiction.

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Never could have told in your mouth Marv. Lumpy little things might give you warts.

  6. Glad you are all safe. Mom is scared of frogs and wants them to all hop away and not come back.

  7. Marv, thanks for starting the week off with a laugh!

  8. Pops! Hahaha. Love it love it and we to thank the universe that the two of you were safe in that wreck. We all need each other even more now than we used to

  9. Hari Om
    MOL... oh yes, of course!!! Hugs wags whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. We're glad you are okay and MOL @ this week's joke.
    The Florida Furkids

  11. I'm thankful that the mom and Cinnamon didn't get hurt either. Life is indeed so precious.

    I love your jokes, Marv. Keep them coming.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the babies, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥♥♥

  12. We're glad to hear Cinnamon and mom are doing okay after their accident. You kitties crack us up. Maybe that is why Budweiser used frogs in some of their older commercials. BOL!

  13. We are so thankful your family is safe and whole and healthy! Love that joke, and the disclaimer is too fun!

  14. I too and most thankful Cinnamon and Mom are A O.K.
    Full of hops...bol mol lol
    hugs Cecilia

  15. Ahahaha Marv, good one! And we are really happy too that your Mom and Cinnamon came through the accident okay!

  16. I miss McGuffy's Reader. ~sigh~ Thank you for all the kind words., by the way. Our kittens don't seem bothered at all by whatever is causing their loose stool. :) I'm thankful your mom and Cinnamon are okay. ~hugs~ And thank you for the giggle. Be well!

  17. Frogs are full of hops! LOL BOL! That's a real "Dad" type joke!

  18. We're so thankful you are okay and that was pretty funny Marg!

  19. We missed what happened to you guys, but we are so glad you're ok!

  20. That was a silly awww joke! :) <3

  21. We too are so very thankful that you were all OK.

    Awww - you made us giggle.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. I am grateful that you were both unhurt too.
    Great joke, Marv!

  23. Ha ha! I was wondering how frogs could taste like beer.

  24. Made me giggle! Have a hoppy day! ( It is almost Easter- so practice hopping!)

  25. WE are all grateful for you here at our house CInni and Kozmo.

  26. Hahahahaha! That is very funny. Hope you have recovered in all ways from last week.

  27. Hey Marv did you know beer makes you smart ? It made Bud wiser !

  28. You are such a hoot, Marv☺ We love the spark and we're so happy that you and your mom are okay, Cinnamon.

  29. Excellent spark and cute joke. :) XO

  30. Cinnamon, i am very glad you are alive and well, too.

    Fun joke, guys!

  31. Fun post and creative and wonderful kitty photos ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  32. Charlee: "We had no idea frogs tasted like beer!"
    Chaplin: "Maybe that explains why Dennis's old friend Norwood liked them so much!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!