Saturday, February 27, 2021

Selfies with Jo Jo

This week, Mom tried to get pictures of me. I HATE having my photo taken! I am so good at closing my eyes and moving ... I don't even fall for the treats ploy!

You want me up on the bed? But I like it down here. What do you mean this is NOT a good angle!? ALL my angles are good!

Ok, I'm up! How's this? You could do my portrait like you did Marv's last week!
What! No you can't? That was for Artsy Caturday!?

You want a different pose? You don't like the tongue!?! Well!!!

 Now you want me to look at you!?! 

That's it! I'm out of here!

 I guess we have to go with #4.

We are pawticipating in The Cat On my Head's Selfie Sunday! Please click on their button to see all the other pawticipants! And thanks for visiting us! 

We forgot to include the Jigsaw Puzzle yesterday!


preview110pieceJo Jo Art


  1. You look really cute in the photos Jo Jo! My kitties don't stay still long for pictures at all.

  2. Those are all cute photos even if you didn't want to do your selfie JoJo. You are like Eric, he would walk towards the camera so he was too close, or turn and walk away. So many of his photos were taken with zoom.

  3. Jo Jo I'm like you - not a fan of the flashy box being stuck in my face - I rarely cooperate with Mom for photo-ops. I am what I am!! Mom usually captures my photos while I'm snoring away somewhere so people think all I do is SLEEP. Well, not so....I'm up and at 'em a lot - really! Anyway, back to you Jo Jo - I think you did a GREAT job with all of those selfies. BRAVO!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Hari OM
    MOL... Jo Jo, methinks thou doest protest muchly - for you surely know how to work the angles!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. i am clapping for your performance. good job to you and Mom, we got to see all of your beautiful self

  6. MOL we think your selfies are purrfect. Thanks for the puzzle.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. JoJo that was a really great edu-cat-ion for the parents about the Flashy Box. They are soooo demanding sometimes. I mean really, who are the stars of our blogs, not them!

  8. Heeheehee! You getting your photo taken is entertaining -- for those of us not taking the photo, that is.

  9. Jo Jo, you sure gave us lots of different looks today.

  10. You do you, Jo Jo! We like that you did your selfies your way!

  11. Chaplin: "Wow, you don't even work for treats? Now that's feline integrity!"

  12. I don't like photos either Jo Jo, but I'm glad we got to see your beautiful self today! Have a great week friends!

  13. Jo Jo, I don't think you could take a bad photo!

  14. uh oh, blogger didn't let me first comment go through! JoJo you can't take a bad photo! Please thank Mama for her lovely and touching comment to us. It means so much!!

  15. Those were such cute selfies, Jo Jo. ESPECIALLY the one with your cute little pink tongue!

  16. Cute kitty! Reminds us of our angel Maddie Cat aka Medusa aka The Kitten Overlord.

  17. Those are all great selfies. Even your little butt is cute. :) XO

  18. You are a sweet cat (I am sure!!) You Do take a nice selfie - be proud of your kitty self!

  19. The beginning gorgeous
    The middle fun
    The End was my favorite
    Hugs Cecilia

  20. We think we like your #2 photo the best, Jo Jo. You are one beautiful tiger stripe. Mom says she expecially loves tiger stripes! XOX Lucy and Xena

  21. Pipo was just like you, Jo Jo!
    He hated that camera with a passion.
    Getting any pics with his bright blue eyes was quite an accomplishment...but we have to say, your eyes are pretty so lets see them a bit more, OK??!

    We giggled at #5!!

    And thanks for the puzzle, it will keep the camera out of *her* hands a bit longer, LOL!

  22. Replies
    1. Mom agrees, and it is the shot she get from Jo Jo most often too!

  23. Jo Jo, we appreciate a cat who won't bow under to the human's demands!
    Wait a minute, that's every cat in the world...
    Thanks for the to play!

  24. Your selfie post gave us a glimpse of your adorableness from every angle <3

    Emma and Buster

  25. Sweetheart, are you sure you and Nellie aren't communicating?

  26. Jo Jo, we think you did a fine job with your selfies. Our favorite is actually the pink tongue one:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber - and Dylan!!!

  27. MOL! You nailed it with that last one, JoJo!

  28. I actually think you did a pretty good job of posing, Jo Jo!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!