Friday, January 15, 2021

Stunning Jo Jo Caturday Art!

Hi Guys! Thanks for all the wonderful comments about my Opine at the Feline Opines! Kozmo, Jo Jo and especially the slobbery beast were not too happy about it though. I have been getting chased by Kozmo, Jo Jo is whapping me with her super sharp talons! She is a Pisces and according to her Weekly Horoscope, she was to stand up for herself and Friday is her lucky day and she whapped me good!

BUT I, Marvelous, am making up to her by making the Art for Caturday of HER! 

Is this not a gorgeous Photo of her that Alex took?

She asked if I could color it for her...

She LOVED it but I wanted to do more. I then took it to Fotoram! and applied the Three filter and she LOVED it!

preview110pieceJo Jo Cubism
I am glad that she loves it! And I learned a BIG lesson - don't give your sister an Nya! Nya! Raspberry! and run...she can run faster MAD than You can SCARED!

We are pawticipating in Caturday Art at Marie and Athena's blog! Please click on her button to be taken to her blog 


  1. We enjoyed your piece on Feline Opines. Way to go, Marv.

    Now that Caturday Art is some fancy. How long did it take to pose for that picture while your mom fiddle diddled around. That's what our mm does so we think your mom must be the same.


    1. Alex took the picture. He got the shot faster than you could snap your fingers...NEVER happens for me!- Barb

  2. OMC! That is a gorgeous pic and the art is top notch. I haven't read your innerview but I intend to possibly after I do the puzzle.

  3. What a purrfect picture of Jo Jo!! A great selfie as well:)

    Sorry that you suffered her whappy paw, Marv...

    Thanks for that puzzle!

  4. That is a beautiful photo of JoJo. Who would think she could be so lethal with her claws! Her art is beautiful too.

  5. Since when does ANY cat sit still for a pawtrait such as that! What did you do to poor Jo Jo ... is she glued to a chair? Are her paws in zip ties? Is it the real Jo Jo or a "fake cat" like fake news? Photoshop manipulation for sure.
    Seriously speaking: beautiful photo, beautiful art. Now we want more ......

  6. Marv...a itty bitty female feline hint...always say YES DEAR. Happy sis makes for bliss
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Ouch! That is really pretty art though!

  8. Fotoram filter is perfect. That would make a gorgeous, framed picture.

  9. Coolio art, and thanks for the to play!

  10. Seems every family has a bossy big sister. (My ghostwriter was one.) Hopefully things will settle down.

  11. Marv that was a great Opine Piece. Looks like JoJo got a Piece of You Too. Yeah, I know not to tease sister Fitz. Sisters are Fast AND they Whap even faster! That is a beautiful Art so things should be good now

  12. Wonderful photo of Jo Jo and I love the art!

  13. Hari Om
    That is a MARVELOUS rendition of Jo Jo!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  14. I love all your art, beautiful. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  15. a nose bandaid! not a good sign, but us girl kitties are fast
    with the claws so watch out. pretty art work. maybe i can try
    a puzzle if Lynn gives me the pewter mouse to use.

  16. That is beautiful JoJo art, Marv! We're glad you are learning how to make her happy! Big sisters are often scary!

    Tama and Genji

  17. Sorry about that boo boo on your nose. Jo Jo looks great in those pictures too.

  18. Yep Mad is always faster than scared. We love that last picture it's Pawesome.

  19. We love this art work of Jo Jo! The puzzle looks really fun!

  20. That is lovely art.

    Your comment about how she can run faster mad than you can scared had me laughing. It reminds me of the two boys who called their fight a draw because one hit harder but the other hit oftener.

  21. That was nice of you to do art of Jo Jo.

  22. Jo Jo's artified photo is colorful, but the original is the absolute best!

  23. That was furry cleffur and crafty to dedicate the art to Jo Jo, Marv. Remember, it's always best to keep the ladycats happy.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!