Monday, January 11, 2021

January 12-18 Pet Horoscopes

 Its the Weekly Horoscope written especially for Cats (and Dogs) by me for you! 

Cinnamon, my hairy slobbery sister felt we should make them for all pets and not just cats! And being a multipet household, we agreed! 
You may not know exactly when yous was born and what sign yous is, there is 2 ways, you can go to several horoscope sites and read the profiles or you can use your Gotcha Day.

 Here are the scopes we have written for you for January 12 to January 18, 2021. With your Purrsonal lucky day.

Aries -- (Mar. 21- Apr. 20)  As the week begins you are in the mood to be admired! Your zoomies are epic and you are loved by your furblings and the human(s)! But Wednesday the blocks pop up. You can still get your way, you just have to use your charms. Friday and Saturday talk up a storm. People will hear (and help you out)! On Sunday and Monday - trust and it will turn out. Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Monday, what you want is right in front of you.
Taurus -- (Apr. 21- May 21) Are you feeling bored? Its all over by Wednesday! Your routine gets sparks and sparkles! And you have a tion of chances to have FUN! On Friday and thru Saturday be patient, it will pay off in a way you don't expect. Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Sunday, You get all the loving you desire.

Gemini -- (May 22-June 21) Every week should begin this way! You have energy to burn! Later in the week you can have some unusual obstacles and you are not sure what your humans want from you. Friday thru Sunday, anything that blocked your way vanishes. This weekend you can expect help from your human(s) or furblings to have even more fun! You are the life of the party. Don’t let anything get you down. On Monday, be selfish! Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Wednesday, your favorite toy reappears.
Cancer -- (June 22-July 22) Think before you jump! Early this week you want everything YOUR way, but you need to listen to your furblings and Humans or a catastrophy could happen (purrhaps you knock something on the floor!) On Thursday your quick wit and crazy ideas will win you applause. The universe is telling you it’s time to take a walk on the wild side, remind everybody it’s your way or the highway! Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Tuesday, when you listen, you get treats.
Leo -- (July 23-Aug 22) Are you ready for a fun day? Get others in on your games. Midweek things get serious. Show off and collect deserved praise. On the weekend you to lead the way for everyone to have FUN!  (Which makes sense for a leader like you, right?) BUT be careful of what you eat or you could have tummy troubles. Sunday and Monday show your humans warmth and affection, extra purrs get you extra loving! Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Wednesday. You get brushies and feel marvellous!
Virgo -- (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Early this week you are exuberant,  spontaneous and have wild ideas. (But be careful you don’t accidentally run over your human or a furbling!) Later in the week you will be more philosophical and try to tune into the big picture. Stare out the window and capture the essence. On the weekend resist the urge to rush and make things happen. Monday is purrfect for relaxation! Your purrsonal lucky day this week will be Monday, you get the purrfect sun puddle in your favorite napping spot!
Libra -- (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) No one can resist you! At the beginning of the week you charm the socks off of everyone. By Firday you are full of energy (and yourself). You believe you can do no wrong! But be careful you don't get caught up in the moment and do something wrong. Sunday you talk, and talk, and talk...but is anyone listening? Your purrsonal lucky day this week is today (Tuesday). Maybe you get real Chicken!
Scorpio -- (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Be careful, whatever you do at the beginning of the week your heart and head can't agree. From Thursday afternoon through Saturday, your energy explodes!  You are eager and excited and want to talk about everything! Your furblings and your human might find you an annoyance though. Next Monday, stick to the program and count on your instincts. Your purrsonal lucky day this week is Wednesday, purrhaps extra special hugs and kisses!
Sagittarius -- (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Everyone loves you as this week begins. It’s a good time to make your wishes known. On Thursday, that outgoing mood could shift to shyness. Maybe you need time for peace and quiet to recharge? But by the weekend you can count on having fun even if things don’t go the way you planned. On Sunday, do something truly unique and original. Monday will be your purrsonal lucky day, there is an abundance of treats!
Capricorn -- (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)  Do you feel stuck in a rut? Tuesday is a great days to start or make things happen. Purrhaps you need a grand adventure! Your furblings and human(s) understand. Count on them to help you. On the weekend, go to your special place, take it easy and think. You’ve got the brains and brawn to accomplish anything. Climb the curtains, shred a stuffie, run zoomies without a care! Your purrsonal lucky day will be Sunday, you get something new.!
Aquarius -- (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Tuesday is the purrfect day for you to make a point and win over your furblings and human(s). Then Thursday thru the weekend you slow down and turn inward. All you want to do is cuddle and sleep in a warm spot. But by the weekend you are ready to take charge — in a fun way! Its all about the FUN! Just kick back and enjoy! Your purrsonal lucky day is Monday, you feel the love in a tangible way!
Pisces -- (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)  Early this week, watch out for conflict. Purrhaps it is your fault, you want to toss out the old in favor of the new. Thursday be extra careful. Stand up for yourself and don’t back down! On Friday and Saturday, expect to have luck on your side! On Sunday, take the lead. You will do the right thing at the right time. Your purrsonal lucky day is Friday, you get something you have always wished for!

This week, We are inviting you to go and visit  

Penny at 15 and Meowing!Click her image to be magically taken to her blog!

 Penny, is doing some fortune telling with playing cards. Its all just for fun! Like the horoscopes!

 Now all we need is a Paw Reader!

And (because we can!) we are pawticipating in Comedy Plus' Happy Tuesday! Click the button to be to taken to her Blog!


  1. What a sweet blog! Thank you for visiting me so I could come by here and enjoy this great post.

  2. Fun things that we hope might happen...or not, MOL!!

  3. ha! it fits... one has crazy ideas and the other one fun hahaha

  4. Flynn's horoscope says he has epic zoomies, and he certainly had that when he was here. I bet he is still having them at The Bridge.

  5. Thank you oh great swami Marv! I like my horoscope for this week. Especially as it says Friday I'll have luck on my side and Friday is the day of my Mom's surgery...I'm going to give HER my luck!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Us kitties and #1 (Aries and Leo) are looking forward, but we have told Ollie (Scorpio) to be careful!

    Tama and Genji

  7. Hari OM
    ... I am starting to look forward to these posts!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Looks like an interesting week coming up!

  9. MOL MOL MOL MOL maybe I'll follow the Capricorn kit kat's advice:
    You’ve got the brains and brawn to accomplish anything. Climb the curtains, shred a stuffie, run zoomies without a care! Your purrsonal lucky day will be Sunday, you get something new.!
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Our Little Bit was a Libra. Such fun. I visited Penny and her mom Ellen earlier this morning.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop. Big hug. ♥

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday.

  11. Precious may be a Sagittarius like me, so we enjoyed the horoscope.
    We'll see how true it holds to be. Right now she has no quiet, as our
    neighbor has trees being cut down and ground up. Loud. Lynn

  12. Ha! My cats will certainly have some "wild ideas" this week! Cute picture of Penny!

  13. My cat is a Virgo I think. Not sure when she was born. Her Gotcha day was Sept. 12. This week will be interesting.

  14. Sounds like these could be horoscopes for us humans too!

  15. for sure...make that.. for SURE....we due knot wanna bee libra thiz week coz bass terd chckn iz inn volved ~~~~~ ;) ♥♥

  16. Oh, we love these horoscopes! Woot, woot!

  17. Dad has been telling me to watch out when I leap to the bathroom window from the vanity. Maybe this week I will take it a bit slower. Thanks Marvelous Marv

  18. Raz and Noelle both have pawsome horoscopes!
    The Florida Furkids

  19. I love this post! Thank you for posting it.

  20. Sammy loves his horoscope, he is a Libra and he charms the socks off of me daily. Penny thanks you for the shout out. XO

  21. And you know that humans are animals too!

  22. Haha, we hope Ava does not do the climbing the curtains part of Capricorn. :)

    We love our pals at 15 and Meowing! And we love youz, too!

  23. The consensus here is that Tuesday was the lucky day for all of the cats because a new treat container was brought into the house. That makes us all Libras this week. Thanks for the fun!

  24. Lulu: "I guess I'm a Sagittarius, so everyone loves me this week! And what I would like is a belly rub."
    Charlee: "Shocker."
    Lulu: "What are you guys?"
    Chaplin: "We're Pisces, which is appropriate, since we're twinsies. More or less."
    Lulu: "So you better watch out for conflict, eh? And it might be your fault?"
    Charlee: "Any conflict around here is definitely Chaplin's fault."

  25. We hope we get some adventure this week like our horoscopes say.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!