Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Cinnamon on Wordless Wednesday!


This is what Kozmo thinks of Cinnamon killing her ball

 We are pawticipating in Comedy Plus' Wordless Wednesday!  Please click on her link to be magically transported to he site!


Don't forget to read your Weekly Horoscope for January 19-25, 2021!

AND we are paticipating in the Pet Parade! Click the link to visit!



  1. Wow, Cinnie, you sure got that killer style perfected!!

    Kozmo...um....you need to warn the lady viewers...LOL!!

  2. love it... paw up for such a ball-pawformance ;O)

  3. You gave that ball what for, Cinnie! No wonder Kozmo is looking like that.

  4. Wowzers, Cinnamon you really did try to kill that ball. Save all the killer energy for squirrels and rabbits, it is much more satisfying! Happy Hump Day!

  5. Hari OM
    Yikes,,, let's not get between a galdog and her air ball, right???!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. WOW Cinnamon, that was some serious shaking going on!!!

  7. Just watching Cinnamon shake that balls give me a headache. lol Great fun!

    Curious as a Cathy

  8. Wow, Cinnie. You surely did show that ball who is boss!

    Hi Koz! :)

  9. Now that's the way to treat your ball, Cinnamon. Well done. Made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to all the babies and a hug to mom. ♥

  10. Cinnamon you really did that ball in. Kozmo give her a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T for her doggie stuff will ya, geez

  11. Cinni...good on YOU! Good girl and well done. Kozmo, I don't have to tell you what I think seeing those mancatly arms all open like that.

  12. BOL BOL Cinnamon if that ball knows what is good for it ....it will holler Uncle quickly.
    Kozmo give mom a treat for that excellent photo capture of you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Lulu: "Good job showing that ball who's boss, Cinnamon!"

  14. Great Wordless Wednesday.
    That a WHAT???? kook if I ever saw one and I've seen plenty from my cats.

  15. Yup! It's the old shaky-shaky! Chester does that with his new squeaky toys too.

  16. LOL @ Kozmo thanks for the chuckles

    Have a safetastic meow week 😷😷😷

  17. Wow! What a cute presentation!
    Very nice blog! And thank you for the linking, in which I showed up...😊
    Happy WW!

  18. I think that ball will live to see another day but not too many more like this one.

  19. Wow, that is one dog overloving a toy. Happy it's a sturdy one. Exercise for the day!

  20. dood.....whoa iz rite !!!

    cinny; knot onlee did ewe nailz that ball; { we gived ya a PAWZ up
    over ther at de moovee place...de furst bulldog in TT used ta due
    that witha hoola hoop } ....ewe bee de furst dawg ta jam ...head
    bangin stylez ...with sum heavee metal toonz moovez !!! ♫♫♪♫♫♪♫♥♥♥

  21. Cinnamon- once you start you never give up! And Kozmo is a hoot! Thanks for visiting and have a great day!

  22. Go, Cinnamon!!! We have that same ball in blue. The only one who plays with it is Timber and he wants to kill it too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. Ah, now we know what Marv meant by the "slobbery ball". Yuck!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  24. Looks like Cinnamon is having fun. XO

  25. LOL! Lots of fun for Cinnamon. Awww...Kozmo!

  26. Oh Kozmo, what a wonderful expression!

  27. No ball can withstand the onslaught!

  28. Haha! I wonder if all that shaking gave Cinnamon a headache! Fun video to watch!

  29. OMD, I thought us terrierist were the most 'shaky-shaky' of all of dogdom....I gots to rethink that nows.....😂 Looooved it gurl!
    Kosmo, Ma had her rootbeers come outta her nose when she saw your pic! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  30. OMD, I thought us terrierist were the most 'shaky-shaky' of all of dogdom....I gots to rethink that nows.....😂 Looooved it gurl!
    Kosmo, Ma had her rootbeers come outta her nose when she saw your pic! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  31. Cinnamon kills his ball and Kozmo is stunned: „why? what did do to you?” 😊
    Very funny! ❤️ Thank you for the smiles!
    I wish you wonderful days!

  32. That is some serious ball killing, Cinnamon! If it holds up to that fight, I need one for the Bayou Boys. I've seen people stuff those balls with socks and other things for their pup to pull out. Thanks for joining the Pet Parade!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!