Saturday, December 19, 2020

A selfie of Santa CLAWS!

 There I was, sitting on the back of the old recliner, reading blogs over Mom's shoulder...

I'm not too sure what she was talking about...being a Cat, all I head was what is impawtant to Name and Treats!!!
OOOOFFFFF! OFF! Take it Off!!! 

 I DID get treats! And some Cheese! And some Ground Chicken! And some Sausage!
But I don't wanna be Santa Claws ever again! 
When Mom said,  "OK Blah, Blah, Blah..."(Translation: I won't do it again this year!) 
I forgave her! 
 Click on their button to be magically transported to their blog and you can see all the other wonderful selfies!



  1. Awww, Kozmo, I do think in this instance the picture really did speak a thousand yowls, MOL On plus side you will be in everyones good books for the rest of the year!

  2. Hari om
    Crikey...there are not enough treats for such treatment, are there Kozmo??! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Almost a-scared to visit today, seeing CLAWS mentioned, so says the lady writing this comment with bandaid covered hands and ankles thanks to an overly active kitten with very sharp ones. Perhaps those cheese treats would have a calming effect, whatcha think?

  4. Oh Koz! That is a cracker (!) of a selfie! And we bet you will cuddle her again!

    Tama and Genji

  5. OMC! That second picture nearly made Us jump out of our furrs!

  6. Hey Kozmo, you make a great Santa and you sure got paid well for it. XO

  7. Oh wow, Koz! She made you be Santa Claws??? Even though you did not appreciate it, we though you made a nice Santa Koz!

  8. LOL! Chester would never allow anything like that on his head either.

  9. Kozmo, you are one scary Santa Claws - MOL!

  10. Pretty frightful hat all right! Good Christmas comes but once a year!

  11. DARE she. You just get right over here! NO momma of mine will do such a thing to you or to me. Mom tried that once and I convinced her that she would be better off not doing it again. I took your handsome picture to put on the wall in my girl cave. XXXOOOXXX

    1. Thanks Katie! I immediately ran over to your blog to see if the fancy Feast shortage had been alleviated...and I saw me there! If you like, I could catch some nice fat mice and bring them through the tunnel for you. I could even bring them alive and we could chase them through your house!
      Head Bonks and Kitty Kisses
      You adoring Kozmo

  12. Aww... poor you!
    Sounds like you got some nice treats though :)

  13. * Helpless giggles * Oooh poor Kozmo... * wipes tears from her eyes *

    You look an absolute erm... picture in your hat.

  14. OMC! Kozmo, we can’t believe you had to suffer through that. The mom did that to us last year and we told her this year...NO WAY!

  15. Oh my cat, the photo in the hat is priceless. And the mouse below your chin, MOL!

  16. You make an excellent Sandy Claws!

  17. You look a LOT less cooperative than me, Kozmo!

  18. Oh, my dear, I am so sorry. You look adorable with or without a hat, and your fangs are awesome! :)

  19. You have to admit Kozmo that you make a wonderful Santa Claws! You are the best and we hope to see dropping presents under our tree

  20. At least you looked! Even though your yelling was heard all ther way here in Michigan! MOL!
    Pipo used to sulk...and hide his face...
    You did a great job, we thought you were yelling in or yodeling Merry Christmas!!

    Good thing the treats were in abundance:)


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!