Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Full of Thankfuls



Cinnamon is thankfuls that Mom or Alex goes outside with her when it starts to gets dark...she is afraid of the evil deers.

Jo Jo is thankfuls for the new bed! Some where, when wes moved from Richmond to Midway, the bag that had the cat beds in it disappeared! Us cats had NO Cat Beds until Mom bringed one home a couple of months ago. It tooked us a while to decide to use it. 

The Koz is in the Cat Trap with the new Yeow Fish! Hes thankful that Mom buyed him a new favorite toy.
Last (and never least) is Marv!

He's been telling himself jokes! 
Purrsonally, wes finds them pretty cringeworth, but they still cracks us up! 
Wes thankful he keeps thing light around here! (best cat laugh EVER!!!)

Wes also thankful for our furends at Brian's Home who's sponsors Thankful Thursday and wes thankful you YOU for visiting us!
Yous can see all the other thankfuls by click Brian's Badge!

Marv is going to bes there, Brian is sharing foods! And nobody loves food more than Marv!



  1. What absolutely fantastic thanks but oh goodness! Where on earth did your bag of beds go? We hope ours don't just vanish. Mom traps us in those sneaky traps too

  2. These is really eggsellent things to be thankful for--especially that new beddie! We think the cat trap is funny ;-)

  3. we are grateful too that we have a security team for walking in the dark... even when the mama is a chicken BOL...

  4. You have to be careful of those vishus deer, Cinnamon!
    The cat trap made me laugh. It reminded me of the photo on the internet where there is a row of cats all sat one each in the circles for social distancing. At least they knew what to do, the humans were stood too close to each other.

  5. We are very thankful that you guys are blogging regularly again!

    Tama and Genji

  6. So many good things to be thankful for! Marv, we're thankful for your corny as they are.

  7. That's a mighty nice bunch of thankfuls gang! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Aww, you all look happy!
    We purchased a beddy that sat unused for YEARS! Finally, I tossed it under the table, thinking I'd throw it out. That night, we couldn't find Chuck anywhere, and when we found him in that bed under the table, we just laughed and laughed!

  9. Cinnamon, I'm so sorry those big old deers scare you! Jo Jo, that is one primo bed you have there sweeie! Marv, I absolutely LOVE corny jokes and that one is a beauty!

  10. guyz....deer IZ vizshuz..squirrelz two....ya all wayz gota bee on de look out for what monkee shinez they pull next :) thiz izza grate thanx full list two day :) ♥♥☺☺

  11. And I'm thankful you guys are posting again.

  12. I can't believe your cat beds all got lost! :-( I'm glad at least one has been replaced.

  13. I am thankful you provide the laughs needed these days:)

    And thankful that I saw your Canadian Flag! Yes, I love seeing those...they do kind of make me feel a wee bit homesick though. I fly mine if there is a holiday up in 'The Great White North'....


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!