Friday, September 4, 2020

Caturday Art with Marv in September

 Wes has the 

Wes has been sleeping in the house during the day to stays cool...

Mom thinked it would bes the purrfect photo opportunity. 

This is the picture that wes is going to does our voodoo on.

Wes did a little of this


And some of that

AND wes gotted THIS!!

We are looking forward to seeing all the other great cat art at Athena Marie's Caturday Art!


Click on Athena's Button to goes and sees all the wonderful art!

Oh! And wes maded this art into a puzzle!






  1. Lovely art, Marv! I wish we could get some hots. Last week was mid 50s and wet, today the sun is coming out and we should get to 60 or a bit over.

    1. I just looked again and you have got an owl on your belly by your back legs!!

    2. Wes dunno if you'd like our hots...wes between 30 - 35 Celsius (86-95 f). We are on week 7...
      Purrs Marv

  2. We are actually happy to see the hots back, we were very tired of wind and rain.

  3. That's wonderful Marv art! Y'all keep those tummies cool!

  4. Oh Dear friends it has been miserably hot here too but way down here we are accustom to it. We've had way too many days of triple digit heat index. Today is actually very nice high in low 80's and a gentle breeze.
    I know you all must be suffering since the hots are unusual up your way.
    Hugs cecilia
    PS great art too

  5. Hots are not good at all. They were here in England for about a week last month and all me and Mum could do was sleep in the day. It was nasty.

    Love the art!

  6. Great artwork, Marv, we like the voodoo effect, it looks like it's full of magic😸Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend🐾😽💞

  7. You are a cutie. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle- you made my day. XO

  8. That's incredible! You are the bestest artist! Me? I'm just a pretender.

  9. Cool art. Marv. It’s really cooled down here....we wish we could send some.

  10. Well, well...someone is an Art-TEEST!
    Thanks for the puzzle!

  11. That was some artistic voodoo, Marv! We sure hope you all stay cool. XO

  12. What lovely, bright, happy-feeling art this week, Marv!

  13. That was an great work of art, and the puzzle was fun:)


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!