Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Thank You Jo Jo

What Barb/Mom says is in Red

What Jo Jo says is Fuchsia

I'm thankful for Jo Jo. She is a grrl cat with her own mind. And I really enjoy her being much more outgoing! She will even come, when she feels like it.

Jo Jo, do you want to come and sit on the sofa and help me with commenting on your furrends blogs?

I don't know...

You are sure you won't get grabby? I hate it when you get grabby!

You are thinking about touching my lusciously silky furs - aren't you!

You touched me! I'm out of here!

Sheesh! Don't you know that a happy feline makes life divine?

Sometimes, it is only baby steps! But I'm still thankful! 

  Don't forget - (Mom Did) It's PIZZA DAY! Mom says we are celebrating this weekend, so we don't have a special post and are adding this 12 hours late. Tonight is Meatloaf night for our human brother.

We all are thankful for our furrends who stop by. We are very lucky to have such wonderful friends. You are all so furry kind.  who are so beautiful and kind. Keep being AWESOME!
We are pawticipating in Thankful Thursday at Brian's! Brian and his 5 siblings always have a ton of fun! Please click on their button to be magically transported to Thankful Central!


  1. Awww, look at you JoJo! Coming up to be close to your mom! Maybe one day you'll let her pet you...

  2. Princess Jo Jo you and I think alike. I can't stand it when Lynn picks me up. Thankfully she only does it once in a while to let me look out a window. That's fun but only for about 10 seconds. And then she grabs me once a month to cut my claws off. But you are being much more Brave and leg time is really the safest time to be with our Moms. Please tell Cinnamon that Lynn and I had leg time last night during a PBS Nature show about Wolfies and doggies around the world. And I think maybe she is related to these dogs from India that are called Dholes because they are the same color and have the same kind of free ears. Precious

    1. Cinnamon does look like a Dhole! She has quite a bit of Dingo in her. We do have a page about Cinnamon (and Heelers) if you want to know more

  3. Hari OM
    Aw, JoJo... you are so pretty and it is just that mum Barb wants to love on you - nothing nasty - really! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh JoJo! You are a funny girl! But we suspect you will succumb eventually...

    The Chans

  5. Jo Jo you are so much like me, Beaus Mama. I don't like to be touched either, and do not touch me while I am sleeping. Maybe I was a cat in another life. I also don't like being hugged. Why do people want to hug? I am thinking you don't want to be hugged either... WE could live together easily...

  6. JoJo I giggled like a 5 y.o. at this
    'You are sure you won't get grabby? I hate it when you get grabby!'
    Humans there is no explaining them.
    Hugs Cecilia!

  7. That's so sweet of you to lie next to your mom, Jo Jo. We can understand how difficult it would be for your mom to resist wanting to pet you.

  8. Chaplin: "Hey Jo Jo, I used to make a face and run away whenever anybody would smooch me, but now I tolerate it. So I bet someday you'll stick around to be pet."
    Charlee: "What's wrong with being smooched? I love it when Dada gives me smooches in the office."
    Chaplin: "What about when Mama smooches you?"
    Charlee: "Smooches from Mama?! Are you insane?!?!?!"

  9. Jo Jo, I am like that too. Pawhugs, Noelle

  10. Jo Jo reminds me of Madi (aka Medusa aka the Kitten Overlord) who stayed with us for a short while. She would punch Chester in the nose if he got too close.

  11. Jo Jo, we hope that one day, you'll just flop down on the couch and accept chin scritches!

  12. JoJo ~ I am thankful for you ~ handsome kitty ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. You beautiful girl. Can Marv and Coz snuggle with you and your luscious, soft, inviting, and scrumptious furs?

    1. She will sleep on the same bed, but she does not snuggle with either of the boys...but they don't snuggle either, though Marv used to snuggle with Ninja.

  14. Ooooh we'd like to pet those luscious furs of yours too! What a lovely girl you are!

  15. We would love to pet those luscious furs too but we wont. We don't want to upset you, Jo Jo.

  16. Jo Jo, I'm like you. I don't like the grabby hands either. Only when I say it's okay. ~Ernie

  17. All in due time sweet Jo Jo, you're mighty cute and hard to resist with the petting hand. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  18. Jo Jo is a beauty. We are working with baby steps for Tuffy. He will lick butter off our fingers now. XO

  19. Jo Jo, i do hope you get used to gentle pets soon. I think you'd enjoy it.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!