Saturday, September 18, 2021

ARRR Selfie with Marv

 Hi Mom! I'm home! You won't believe the adventure I've had!

You went on a trip without telling me?

Yes! I had the most fun. I had a nightmare about Pirates! In my dream Pirates were catching and eating cats! I just had to go to the Island of Pirates to find out!

You went to an Island where they eat cats?

I met the Captain Pirate! He has a ship with lots of pirates, cannons and  shiny cutlasses. When he saw me, He said, Shiver me timbers! It is a Persian Tabby! Have ye come to join my motley crew and rid us of our Ratties?

Of course I said YES! He gave me a read coat, a peg leg and a shiny cutlass! All day I ran around and chased the rats and threw them in the ocean to swim to the closest Island! I got at least elebenty hundred of them off the boat. The Captain Pirate said I was the best Persian Tabby he had ever met!

Then we met another ship of Pirates. Their booty was getting wet and they asked us if we had any zip lock bags.  And my pirates brought out some for their pirate friends to pack their gold and money in and then we waved goodbye.

I knew I had to get home before dark or you would be worried, but before I left they showed me how to swing on ropes! Let me show you Mom!

 And they fed me a real fresh caught tuna! And they had their ship artist paint a picture of me! They told me I could come back any time!

I had a ton of fun, but I am super tired! 

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!  

Now go away and let me snooze!

We are pawticipating in The Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday! To be taken to the Cat On My Head's blog, which is Selfie Central, please click on their button! We KNOW you will LOVE their post.


  1. How exciting!Apparently My predecessor Angel Speedy was a big Pirate,I'm still learning so I'm not quite ready for that sort of thing xoxo Little Miss Titch

  2. Captain Marv the Magnificent I do believe you must have had the BEST adventure I've read so far - throwing all the rats off the pirate ship? Epic! Talk about're the fiercest!

    Captain Terrible Ted

  3. Marv, you look completely worn out. What a dream what an event. Good thing you ended up back at home and maybe with a full tummy of tuna. Precious was a little concerned but you'd never get away from the Scallywags.

  4. Oh, what a truly fantastic adventure you had!

  5. Cap'n MARV! I am just amazed at all you got done and how you took care of the ship AND yourself. You re by far the best Persian Kitty, for REAL, they could ever hope to know Yours was the best of the best adventures. Mine was threatening kitties to walk the plank of my awesome ship.

  6. Marv OMCs I think you need to slack off on the midnight tuna snacks that was some DREAM...I loved
    a Persian Tabby.
    Hugs Rusty Plankwalker aka Cecilia

  7. You make a great pirate. That was quite an adventure you went on.

  8. What an amazing pirate adventure you had, Marv! Those pirates sound like a good bunch. Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day. Arrrrgh!

  9. It sounds like you had a great time! How exciting!

  10. That was quite the adventure. I had no idea pirates carried plastic bags in their travels. :) Happy Pirate Day! XO

  11. Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day, Marv! Sounds like you had quite an adventure on the high seas! Yaaarrr!

  12. What an adventure you had, Marv...arrr...Here are some Extra Pawkisses for a deserved good night of sleep🐾😽💞

  13. That was fun Marv and ye totally shivered me timbers!

  14. Marv I think we saw your ship in the distance with a trail of rats swimming to shore as we were sailing the Felines Fierce. Yarr it twas you me mate!

  15. Aye, aye Cap'n Marv, that was one pawsome Pirating adventure!

  16. What an awesome adventure you had, Marv!

  17. Ye be a fine pirate and ye had a fine adventure.

  18. Charlee: "That's a big adventure! I would be tired too!"
    Lulu: "But it was a dream. Marv was asleep the whole time."
    Charlee: "I know! So exhausting!"

  19. MARV!!! You are such a handfull. Mum must roll her eyes at your adventures. But I guess you came home because home is where the pirate heart is.

  20. Wow, Marv, what an incredible adventure you had. We are not surprised you are exhausted. Thanks for taking the time to share your pirate portrait with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  21. Wow! We're glad you had such an awesome adventure!

  22. What a great Pirate Cat you are! Yes, most sailors, even pirates, love having cats on board to deal with the rats.

  23. Rats be gone ye varmints!! Ye did a good job; well done, Marv.
    Davey Jones Locker is going to be full of an overload of rats....


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!