Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Gang Does Selfie Sunday

 Hi Guys! It was cool and rainy today! We all loved that! The air smells so fresh and it rained enough for some of the smoke to be washed off the trees and the grass. Everything looks so much better. And us animals feel better too! When Mom asked who wanted to be part of Selfie Sunday at The Cat on My Head, we all raised out paw!

First is Kozmo!

He's really happy that the grass had a good washing! He really did not like licking all the accumulated smoke off his paws and he is sending a special shout out to his lady love!

Next is the beautiful Jo Jo!

It is tough to get Jo Jo to look at the Camera! She is laughing at Kozmo. He is so funny when he is sweet talking the camera. 

Next up is Me! Marv!

 We have guest Jokers tomorrow! Stinky (from The Cat on My Head) and Periwinkle (from Furrends Furever) are riding the tunnel to our house! I was outside scoping out the photo shoot spots and I took advantage of the fact that Kozmo was inside and I could sit on the tree on the deck. I just barely managed to get my paw back far enough  after pushing the button.

Finally, its our Hairy Slobbery Sister Cinnamon! 

Do you know why she is so intense? She wants Mom to throw the ball that she is holding! 

We LOVE pawticipating in The Cat On My Head's Selfie Sunday! It has been one of favorite hops since they started it 7 years ago. Please click on their badge to be whisked to their blog and see who all the selfie pawticipants are! 


Don't forget to stop by and see the Guest Jokers tomorrow! 


  1. Lovely selfies from all of you. Cinnamon is looking so intense that she nearly made me get a ball to throw for her.

  2. What a WONDERFUL batch of Selfies from you this morning! I'm also very happy to hear the air is a bit more clear after your rain.....must get really old having a smokey smell in the air all the time. We pray every day that all the evil fires will simply GO AWAY and STAY AWAY everywhere. Hope you all have a happy Sunday and we'll look forward to seeing Stinky and Periwinkle HERE tomorrow!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Great selfies, guys! Happy Sunday!

  4. Hari Om
    Hooray for your rainy day - here's to enough to keep those fires at bay.

    You are all looking pawtikyoularly good today - wonderfurs self-pawtraits!!! Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. I'd say that rain came just in time to clean up the yard for your company that's coming through the tunnel. Thank goodness you got some rain and some smoke washed away. In all four of you took terrific selfies. I'm thinking that you Marv are the best with controlling the camera. And sweet Jo Jo looks just lovely watching Kozmo talk. And no one can leave out the beautiful and ready to play Cinnamon.

  6. All of you look fresh and happy this morning.

  7. Goodness Gracious how happy & relaxed the whole gang is looking today! Must be the newly fresh air has done it's trick and brought a bit of energy and joy to the Midway Munchkins ... YAY! Love to all ...

  8. all of you are looking fantastic!!! have a fun filled Sunday

  9. Great selfies!!! Periwinkle and Stinky are so excited about visiting tomorrow.

  10. Y'all really do look wonderful and happy!

  11. Charlee: "Happy Sunday everyone! We love all your selfies!"
    Lulu: "I hope your mom threw the ball, Cinnamon!"

  12. You all look great! Glad you finally got some rain!

  13. Thank goodness for that much-needed rain! We love all of your selfies, sweet pals. XO

  14. Hoping there is more rain in your forecast.
    We have hots and humids, and it makes the humans cranky.
    They should just act like cats...and sleep.

  15. Adorable selfies all, and the kitties and I are so glad you got some refreshing rain!

  16. What beauties you all are - bravo for the selfies today!

  17. Love those Selfies gang but Kozmo sure let it out with that Meow. Wow those two fun loving tabbies will be by tomorrow we cant wait!

  18. Great selfies from everyone this morning! We got the cooldown too: hope it lasts!

  19. What beautiful fur persons! Great photos ~ Wow! Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Dear ones !! What great news on rain and cool and washing the smoke away.
    Your selfies are purrfect
    Hugs Cecilia

  21. Barb, I found you Bog again. Jean Neilson

  22. Great selfies from each of you. We are glad you were able to get some refreshing rain. At least you are far enough away from Henri that you don't have to worry about TOO much rain.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. Rain washes the air clear. It's the same here after the people with their woodburners pollute the atmosphere (the air is very smokey) rain clears a lot of the smoke away. I hep it all clears up for you soon.

  24. You all did great selfies! Lee and Phod

  25. Great selfies from all. I am glad your air is cleaner. XO

  26. You all did a wonderful job! Thanks for telling me about the ball, maybe next time i want to take a good photo of Coda, i'll hold the ball and see if it does the trick.

  27. Kozmo, are you reacting because you found out Colin Jost and Scarlett Johanson named their baby after you.

  28. Great shots! I'm glad you got some rain.

  29. Those are fun selfies!! You all have your own purr-sonalities!..or should that be woofsonality??


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!