Friday, April 9, 2021

Caturday Art with Kozmo

 Hi Guys! We have had really cold weather the last 2 days. It has even tried to snow! Kozmo was outside watching Alex from under the deck steps and Alex got some great shots of him. The yard is pretty much cleaned up so we took it easy today and made some special Kozmo art.

Here is the picture of Kozmo. We were intrigued with all the vanishing point lines of the old deck boards and when we got the photo into Photoshop, we thought we would play with those.

This time we remembered what we did! First we cut Kozmo out of the background in a copy. We added a layer on top of the background layer and made it a Radial Gradient layer, and used a Starburst (brush) eraser to cut a starburst out of the gradient layer with the focus of the starburst on Kozmo's nose. We added the Ink Outline filter to the background picture layer. We then added the cutout of Kozmo on top. And finally, we added a frame. 

But that's not all!

For the above, we followed the same steps, except we did not have a filter on the background And for the Starburst cutout, we used the center of the photo. We went to  PhotoMania and chose the RetroComic effect (this added the red to the starburst effect). We brought it back into Photoshop and added the black frame. We could NOT make up our mind as to which one we liked the best, so we would like to hear which one YOU like the best.

 We are pawticipating in Athea and Marie's Caturday Art! We LOVE those guys! Not only is Athena a deop dead gorgeous tabby, and Marie is an exceptional artist! We LOVE their work.  Please click on their button to be taken to their blog and see this weeks exquisite art!

preview120pieceKozmo with Cartoon Starburst preview120pieceKozmo with Starburst


  1. Oh, you have made you art in a fanciful way this week!

    I like the first one best...though I like both of them:)

    And thanks for the puzzles!

  2. Wow, these look really awesome, especially the second one!

  3. VERY VERY cool's so much fun to do isn't it. Kozmo was quite cooperative too!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  4. Kozmo you really have a great pose. Your mom is a very good arteast.

  5. They are both lovely, but the second is my favourite. Thanks for the puzzles too.

  6. The second is our favorite too. But anything with Kozmo in it is a winner!

  7. Hari Om
    OMC, Kozmo - you are a star(burst)!!! Furbyoulush work by mama on that one. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. they are both really cool but I am in love with the 1st edit, the first one makes me want to try and do it. and I do love the photo at the top, those vanishing points are interesting just as they are... about your header. i am going to have to try doing that in PM...its on my LIST. i usually play on the weekends..YES, Kozmo, I am a copy cat. MOL

  9. Wow - amazing artwork!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. What a fun picture and great art work.

  11. Such fabulous art Kozmo, you look terrific!

  12. Fun, fun, fun. T'was a great photo to start with and you obviously enjoyed your "photo play" with it. Can
    see it being used and altered again and again ... (and betcha do!)

  13. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am digging your art today look mighty fine in starburst
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Very cool art effects, and thanks for the puzzles!

  15. Super cool artwork! Kozmo, that looks like a great place to hang out while Alex was in the yard. :)

  16. Lulu: "That's a great hidey-hole, Kozmo ― it reminds me of under the bed here, only with a lot more space. And, of course, outside!"

  17. Kozmo looks super no matter where he is but your Art is Amazing. Really beautiful work

  18. We too are having a difficult time selecting a favorite, but we think #2 as we like the colors. Kozmo, you were a great subject for today’s art. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  19. Love your art. Really creative!

    It's cold here too, though we haven't had snow.

  20. We LOVE the bottom one! TW still doesn't know how to use layers, masks and most of the PS tools but we make due. You are #1 when it comes to talent and creativity.

  21. Beautiful art! I love both. It's been close to 80 here for the past few days!

  22. These are both great. I like the first best. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  23. That is some really neat artwork!

  24. And here we thought the original unaltered photo was an awesome one of Kozmo. But your artwork is just incredibly beautiful!!! Nice work. Mom is jealous she can't do that kind of stuff.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. Fantastic art of Kozmo! I like all of it, including the original photo!

  26. Wow! That's pretty amazing! Thanks for the puzzles too
    ngu coc loi sua


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!