Saturday, March 13, 2021

Cinnamon's Selfie on Sunday

 I was having a snooze in the living room when Mom said she was going to the store. 

I LOVE to go for rides! And Mom lets me go with her. She got all kinds of things but my favorite was she bought some flowers. When we got home, she put them on the coffee table while she put the groceries away. I was on guard that the cats did not knock them on the floor.

I think they are beautiful!

Mom, can I do my selfie with the flowers?


I think the Red Tulips and the Yellow Primula bring out the color in my fur!

I do too Cinnamon!

We are sharing our selfies at the Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday blog hop! Please click on their button to be taken to their website and see all the other wonderful selfies!

Spring is on its way!


  1. I love going out with my human too, Cinnamon! That was a pretty selfie.

  2. That is a lovely selfie with the flowers, Cinnamon. We have primulas planted by the boys graves. The slugs kept munching on the leaves through the winter, but they are flowering well now.

  3. You look perfect posing with the beautiful spring flowers, Cinnamon!

  4. Hari OM
    How wonderfurs that you get to ride along, Cinnamon - and you do look beautifurs with those blooms!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Ouuu Cinnamon, you look ready to wear an Easter bonnet with flowers on it. Lynn brought home 2 pink
    hyacinths the other day. They set off my all grey furs, but humans don't understand us higher beings,
    our noses are more delicate than theirs and I do not like the smell. I bet Kozmo will be very careful
    around the flowers with you keeping a good watch. Your mom picked the best setting for your selfie.
    Happy Sunday. Precious

  6. Yes cinnamon! The colors of those flowers to bring out the colors in your furs. You are looking absolutely gorgeous today. And so are those flowers. You keep those cats off of them okay?

  7. What a great selfie, Cinnamon! Make sure you just smell the flowers and don't eat them! :)

  8. Cinni you look PERFECT surrounded by all those beautiful Spring flowers!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. You did a wonderful selfie!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Cinnamon, I love seeing you doing the selfie and a good job of it too. Yes ma'am The colors of the flowers do indeed bring out the colors in your fur!

  11. Cinny your pose with the posies is wonderful!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You and Mom sure have been busy! That's a wonderful selfie Cinnamon!

  13. Great selfie, Cinnie! Those flowers are almost as pretty as you! XO

  14. Lulu: "Nice selfie, Cinnamon! I like going for rides, too, even if I don't get out of the car. It's just nice to be away from the house for a little while, you know?"
    Charlee: "No."
    Chaplin: "You dogs and your obsession with going places and meeting people. So weird."

  15. Cinnamon, your red fur does look so pretty with the flowers! Nice selfies!

  16. Those flowers are so pretty, Cinnamon. They do bring out the beautiful colors of your furs too.

  17. You really make those flowers look better Cinnamon. Hard to do for a pup but you pull it off

  18. I just love those blooms, they're so healthy and colorful, I'm glad you kept them from being knocked to the floor. You are so beautiful and such a good flower guard - hooray for Cinnamon!

  19. Beautiful selfie and beautiful flowers. XO

  20. What beautiful flowers! And they make for a nice selfie with you. But you, of course, are the star of the photo.

  21. We have flowers up in the yard; crocus and snowdrops, with daffodils pushing their way up too.

  22. I love tulips, they are real spring flowers. I can't really grow primulas yet (I do pansies though!)

  23. Cinnamon, you make those flowers look extra beautiful.

  24. The flowers are very pretty, Cinnamon, but YOU are beautiful!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. Flower shopping at a store is certainly something to wake up for.

  26. Excellent selfies with flowers, nicely done!

  27. Those spring blooms are SO pretty! You took a great selfie alongside of them, Cinnie!

  28. Oh car rides are the bestest!!!! Though, Ma doesn't take me with her to the store....something abouts me being a hyperbutt....rude. anyhu, those are some FABulous blooms Cinnamon! I do thinks they bring out your furs! and good job not lettin' the kittehs knock them overs! 😉
    Ruby ♥

  29. Yu share the best stuff! Car rides are great! We are homebound as we are buried in the snow. You are very blessed.

  30. Cinnamon, they are some really beautiful flowers that your mom got and such a pawsome job of protecting them from the kitties. They were perfect for your selfie photo. Thanks for sharing. Have an excellent week ahead.
    World of Animals Bensalem


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!