Thursday, March 13, 2025

National K-9 Vets Day!

Joe White, a Vietnam War veteran from Jacksonville, Florida, started K-9 Veterans Day. White was a dog handler who saw firsthand how valiantly K-9s served in the conflict and was disturbed by the (now abolished) euthanasia of working dogs at the end of their military service. 

To help raise awareness and honor the sacrifices these military working dogs made, he came up with the idea of a holiday commemorating them. We celebrate this special day on March 13th.

Brief History of Military Dogs

The Greeks and Romans used the earliest military working dogs, favoring the monstrous Cane Corso. The Corso served as a guard dog due to its fearsome appearance. The Persians utilized leaner, sleeker breeds like the Saluki — the ancestor of the Greyhound — for hunting wild game. 

Mongolians had canine sentries in their armies. These massive dogs were ancestors of the modern-day Tibetan Mastiff. Legend has it that Genghis Khan led 50,000 of his war hounds to Western Europe, where they devoured the enemy in an unstoppable march. While this account is probably military propaganda, it shows the importance of the martial role dogs occupied in ancient times.

During WWI, dogs were used as messengers by European forces. They also hauled supply carts and machine guns, located wounded soldiers, and carried medical kits. In WWII, dogs served in various branches, acting as scouts, guarding supply posts and camps, and rescuing downed pilots. 

The Vietnam War marked the largest deployment of dogs in U.S. military history. Canines proved invaluable in the jungle environment of Southeast Asia, with the military greatly refining techniques for handlers and K-9s alike. Unfortunately, less than 200 military working dogs made it back home from the original 20,000. 

 Today working dogs detect explosives and narcotics, they jump out of planes, helicopters and are an integral part of their teams. Today they have much better welfare thanks to the military learning from its past mistakes.

Below are a couple of links that we found interesting:
Video -

Wowzers! Those dogs are all special! I wonder if there is such a thing as Cat Commandos?



We were so very disappointed to read this, this Morning. The Orange Guy and his handler EM should be chastised! 


K-9 bomb sniffer dog units have become the latest victims of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, just as the White House celebrated a national day honoring the heroic animals.

Workers at the TSA were informed via email that “new guidance” meant that requests for costs including vet visits, kenneling and dog food, had been put on hold effective immediately, according to Fox News. The directive was revealed on Thursday. TSA is in charge of airport security and its dogs can be used to sniff out bombs and other contraband.





  1. Hari OM
    Wonderful precis of the defence dogs! On Crufts last week, there were demonstations of the British Police Dogs (They get PD in front of their names, just like the PCs who work with them) at their various tasks. Dogs are a.m.a.z.i.n.g..... but Marv, know that cats have their place. More like the Florence Nightingales of the world, being healers and soothers and menders of the broken... hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. ha ha, cat commando sounds good. I am happy to hear there is a day for these magnificent and oh so brave dogs in our military and our police departments. agree with Yam that dogs are amazing.

  3. cats could do sure super interesting things... we send a big hug today to all fourlegged soldiers

  4. I am glad the euthanasia has been abolished. They deserve a good life after their service.

  5. What a great thing to celebrate. We know those pups work hard to keep us all safe.

  6. We have K-9's at our small village police. These dogs do work so well for their responsibilties. Thank you Marv and mom for all the info on how it all evolved. We hope Nutmeg does her duties just at home.

  7. Love the history of these amazing critters!

  8. What an incredible and heartfelt tribute to these brave K-9 veterans! It’s amazing to see how far military working dogs have come in terms of training, roles, and care. They’ve truly earned their place in history for their service and sacrifices. As for Cat Commandos, well, I’m sure if anyone could form a team of stealthy and determined operatives, it would be our feline friends!

    I just shared a new post; you are invited to read and enjoy. Thank you!

  9. That is a shame they couldn't make a better effort to get the dogs home.

  10. Glad these amazing pups are recognized. XO

  11. I'm so glad our canine heroes are recognized and cared for so much better now.

  12. Charlee: "Look at those dogs, working hard in harsh and dangerous environments."
    Chaplin: "Better them than us, right Charlee?"
    Charlee: "Definitely."
    Lulu: "You cats have no appreciation for a job well done. But we dogs do!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!