
Chinese Horoscope for 2023


Hi Guys! Back by popular demand, this week we wrote Chinese Horoscopes.
It is Chinese New Year, and below you can find a yearly Chinese Horoscope for January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024, with your purrsonal lucky colors and numbers.

The 2023 Chinese Zodiac Year lasts from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024 as the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar. This years is the Year of the Rabbit (in some countries, like Vietnam it is the Year of the Cat). The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. This year, the luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2023 are Oxes, Tigers, and Snakes.


The Chinese Zodiac

The year you are born determines your zodiac sign. This is believed to affect the personality and fate. Since ancient times, people have developed horoscopes to predict destinies, based around zodiac sign traits.

The Chinese zodiac has a great influence on several Asian countries, such as the Koreas, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and Myanmar. In some countries, the zodiac signs are the same as the Chinese ones, while some of the animals differ in other countries.

  • The 12 Chinese zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. These animal signs are exactly the same in South Korea, North Korea, Singapore, and Cambodia.
  • The 12 Japanese zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
  • The 12 Vietnamese zodiac animals I order are: Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
  • The 12 Thai zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Naga (a mythical half-human-half-snake spirit), Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Here are the scopes we have written for you for February 12, 2021 to January 31, 2022, with your purrsonal lucky colors and numbers.

The years for Rat are: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, or 2020
Rat Personality Traits:
Quick-witted, creative, adaptable, loving Forecast: The Rabbit year could be prickly for Rats. Fortunately, you do well in competitive situations. Expect this year to be challenging, as new opportunities seem to come from nowhere. However, Rats are bold enough to take risks when most feel cautious. This gives you opportunities that others feel are outside their comfort zone. The challenges in 2023 keeps your life exciting and interesting and brings you Rats success.
Your Lucky Colors are: Blue, Gold, and Green
Your Lucky Numbers are:
2, 3, and numbers containing them (like 23 and 32)
The years for Ox are: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, or 2021
Ox Personality Traits:
Hardworking, loyal, strong, determined
Forecast: Ox, your steady pace and peaceful attitude towards life is a blessing this year as the world slows down because of the Rabbit energy. This brings you happy days and the opportunities you are looking for. When you step forward and act, what you need appears on your path. It is up to you to act on these opportunities, otherwise, the benefits will go to someone else. 
Your Lucky Colors are: White, Yellow and Green
Your Lucky Numbers are:
5, 6, and numbers containing 5 and 6 (like 56 and 65)

The years for Tiger are: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, or 2010, 2022
Tiger Personality Traits:
Smart, imaginative, adaptable, kind
Forecast: You can look forward to a better year now that the year of the Rabbit is here. Peeps and furblings are focusing on well-being. And while you like a lot of excitement, you find 2023 brings you opportunities others miss. You are a rebel. Your tend to like stirring things up. This year you need to slow down and not frighten away opportunities. In large part, you’ll be happy with what’s coming your way.
Your Lucky Colors are: Blue, Gray, Orange
Your Lucky Numbers are:
1, 3, and 4 and numbers containing them (like 13 and 43)
The years for Rabbit are: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, or 2011, 2023
Rabbit Personality Traits:
Quiet, classy, gentle, responsible
Forecast: It’s your year. Many things can change in your life this year, and this brings new opportunities in your relationships, career and creative projects. It can also be a time of letting go. Rabbits need to release what has not worked for them. As it means they can try to find a new direction or learn more about themselves. 
Your Lucky Colors are: Red, Pink, Purple and Blue
Your Lucky Numbers are:
3, 4, 6, and numbers containing them (like 34 and 46)
The years for Dragon are: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012
Dragon Personality Traits:
Mysterious, smart, wise
Forecast: This Rabbit year is a good year for Dragons. You can get impatient if things don’t happen fast enough. Many opportunities will enter around things you already know how to do. This feels comfortable (and could be profitable), but you could feel bored. Now is the time to plan for the future and get ready for personal change. But the change isn’t here--yet. Before you can take on something new, you need to let go of the past.
Your Lucky Colors are: Gold, Silver, White
Your Lucky Numbers are:
1, 6 and 7 and numbers containing them (like 17 and 76)
The years for Snake are: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, and 2013
Snake Personality Traits:
Mysterious, curious, smart, wise
Forecast: This Rabbit year is good for Snakes. Your goals are easier to reach, skills and abilities are in high demand. You feel more confident as others notice your successes. You might take a little more time off than you have in previous years. This could mean travel opportunities come up more than once. You are more in the flow.
Your Lucky Colors are: Black, Red and Yellow
Your Lucky Numbers are:
2, 8, 9, and numbers containing them (like 28 and 89)
The years for Horse are: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, or 2014
Horse Personality Traits:
Lively, active, energetic
Forecast: This will be an exciting year for Horses. It will be very social and you will see more Peeps and furblings than you have for a while. There may be more opportunities than you have time in your schedule. The resources are there to explore any direction you choose. At the same time, this can be a totally fun year as you spend time with some of your favorite Peeps.
Your Lucky Colors are: Yellow and Green
Your Lucky Numbers are:
2, 3, 7, and numbers containing them (like 23 and 37)
The years for Goat are: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, and 2015
Goat Personality Traits:
Calm, gentle, compassionate
The year of the Rabbit will bring harmonious energy to Goats. You will intuitively connect with to the right Peeps and furblings at the right time. More synchronicity is happening and things seem to come together by magic. You will have a busy year with more happening than has for a long time.
Your Lucky Colors are:
Brown, Red, and Purple
Your Lucky Numbers are:
2 and 7 and numbers containing them (like 27 and 72)
The years for the Monkey are: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, and 2016
Monkey Personality Traits:
Bright, Smart, Curious
Forecast: This Rabbit year is better for Monkeys. Everything seems to get better. Your relations with furrends and family stabilize are better too. Work has a rhythm that keeps you interested. This Rabbit year is busy with many things for you to chase but it also has time for you to relax.
Your Lucky Colors are: White, Blue and Gold
Your Lucky Numbers are:
4 and 9 and numbers containing them (like 49 and 94)
The years for the Rooster are: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, or 2017
Rooster Personality Traits:
Attentive, Hardworking, Brave
Forecast: The Rabbit year can bring up some road blocks for Roosters, but there are some great opportunities. You need to be clear in your goals and take direct action. If you work hard, you will receive the prize. Show off your skills and abilities and opportunities will be abundant. If you go out of your way to meet Peeps, you will find they want to meet you too.
Your Lucky Colors are: Gold, Brown and Yellow
Your Lucky Numbers are:
5, 7 and 8 and numbers containing them (like 57 and 85)
The years for Dog are: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, or 2018
Dog Personality Traits:
Loyal, Honest, Lovely and Wise
Forecast: This Rabbit year brings exciting and fun energy to Dogs. If you give chase, you could catch some great chances. You might be competing with others, but be quick to make changes and change your path, when necessary, then you will come out the winner. This may be a social year, where you meet a lot of new Peeps and maybe a new furbling. Some will become good furrend.
Your Lucky Colors are: Red, Green and Purple
Your Lucky Numbers are:
3, 4 and 9 and numbers containing them (like 34 and 49)
The years for Pig are: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, or 2019
Pig Personality Traits:
Kind, Generous, Hardworking
Forecast: This Rabbit year is harmonious for Pigs and its peaceful energy speaks to your spirit. While others chase their tails looking for what they want, opportunities come to you. This is a busy year (however, it is more  restful than last year). Any opportunities which come your way, this is a good year to take advantage of them. This is a good year when things come together for you.
Your Lucky Colors are: Yellow, Gray, Brown and Gold
Your Lucky Numbers are:
2, 5, 8, and numbers containing them (like 25 and 58)


  1. Me? "calm" LMAO!!! No way in hell!!! I'm a goat and that isn't me at all! I also am not a fan of the number 7. My lucky numbers are 10 and 20. Thanks for doing this though, so much fun!! Happy Lunar New Year! xoxo

  2. Cool! Thanks Marv, that was interesting ... I'm year of the Tiger and Cat Dad is the year of the Ox.

  3. hit the hammer on the nail! We're still rebels, but Granny the Doggie is making us slow down, so we don't have a choise to rebel on...MOL...Extra Pawkisses especially for you🐾😽💞


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!