
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wordless Story Explained & A Limerick & Thankful Thursday

Wordless Story in 5 Pictures

First, what was Cinnamon doing yesterday? Cinnamon likes to watch out the bay window in the living room. She was letting me know that Kozmo was out front.

Kozmo and Lucifer (the black cat who lives across the street) were yodelling at each other.  1. She looked out the window. 2. She looked at me 3. She looked at the back door. 4. I moved to the other side of the living room and got a shot of her yelling at the cats! They split up, Lucifer running for his front door. 5. Cinnamon jumped down and did a big stretch yawn, her version of, I AM AWESOME!!!

A (Lame) Hot Sunny Crowed Beach Limerick

First up we are pawticipating in Poetry Thursday and Sammy and Teddy's blog! You can click on the button below and you will be taken to their blog Two Spoiled Cats!

Here is the photo we are to write the poem about!

Now we know our Mom would not even get out of the car if the beach was this crowed! She does not like crowds and is furry happy living in the middle of nowhere.

Have I failed to get to the water?
And my umbrella that I am to share?
Am I getting too hot?
Is this not my right spot?
I'll get sun burned where ever I'm bare! 



Now for the THANKFULS! 

Thanks to the following hops we have met so many wonderful people and pets around the world! 
We have learned so very much, seen so many beautiful things, laughed, cried and purrayed all around the world.  
Second we are thankful to the people who run the hops we pawticipate in. 

Every day there is the Cat Blogosphere! They are AWESOME!

Thankful Thursday with Brian. His Dad Terry does so much for the Catblogosphere!

Sam's Poetry Corner at Two Spoiled Cats with Angel Sammy, Teddy and Mom Pam.

Frendly Fill-ins with 15 and Meowing (Mom Ellen) and Four-Legged Furrballs (Mom Lorraine) 

Feline Friday at Comedy Plus (Sandee)

Caturday Art with Athena and Mum Marie

Selfie Sunday at The Cat On My Head (Mom Janet)

Awww Monday at Comedy Plus (Sandee)

Happy Tuesday  at Comedy Plus (Sandee)

Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus (Sandee)


And next week we got 2 great special events! 

Cat in the Hat Day

Sponsored by Timmy of Tomcat Commentary by Timmy

In Purrsuit of Flavours

This month is One Dish Meals
Sponsored by the Tybee and Shoko at Canadian Cats
And Phenny and Nellie at Easy Blog

 We are thankful for YOU our furrends!



  1. Wow, we thought there was an intruder...that happened here to day to get our internet woes fixed. Phew, that dude was here 3 hours...and the hooligans were very much in hooligan mode, BOL!

    I totally agree with your beach poem sentiment. I want to be able to have space on a beach, not oodles of sweaty peeps!! I want to see and feel the sand, not trip over feet...LOL!

    Yes, being thankful is a blessing in itself! I always love it when grumpy residents at my work, decide that like how I help(ed) them and they say thank you and they mean it! That warms my thankful heart, because I was a blessing to/for them:)

    I also love to make them laugh! They sure do need to have a good giggle about who knows what, and that makes everyone feel better and sets the tone for a good shift with them.

  2. mighty fine limerick! maybe kozmo and lucifer are to feline version of that romeo and juliet?

  3. I'm glad that argument got split up! Good work, Cinnamon!

  4. Well done Cinnamon on telling Kozmo and Lucifer to pack it in! I have never been much of a beach lover. On Caribbean cruises we would spend most of the time in the sea and avoid laying on the beach. I would much rather be going for a walk on the moors.

  5. That is a PERFECT limerick for the photo today! Well Mom is the same way - crowded beach? NOPE NO WAY! There are so many wonderful hops to participate in and thanks for mentioning ours.....

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Hari OM
    What a packed post - bit like that beach!!! Cinnie, you are definitely a superstar; and who would even think of stepping into such a crowd... I'm grateful for a crowd free home!!! Hugs wags whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. A collection of gems! I can see the beach from my window, and right now it looks very different from the picture!

  8. Nice of Cinnamon to keep an eye on those 2.

  9. We can only imagine what our kitties would do if they saw a cat outside one of our windows. We never ever see a cat outside around here, so it would be weird for all of us actually. Cinnamon, we are sure you are awesome!

  10. What a fun limerick! And I thought Cinnamon must have seen something outside...and wanted to get out there and yodel too!

  11. That was a good job Cinnamon and that was a nice list of thankfuls. Our Dad says thanks for the meow-out. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Thanks for the explanation!! Lots to be thankful for!!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Lucifer looks big! I wonder what Kozmo and Lucifer were Yodelling about.

  14. We knew that Cinnamon was doing her job of alerting you to something going on outside. Your poem is perfect for that picture.

  15. Cute poem. I wish you would stay inside where it is safe. Thank you for the shout out of the fill-in hop. And thank you for your friendship. XO

  16. So that's what Cinnamon was doing. Makes perfect sense.

    Love the poem, but that's way to many people to deal with.

    I love your thankful things. I'm glad I'm part of your list. You sure are part of mine.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, smooches to Marv and a big hug to you. ♥

  17. Well done my friends from Canada you covered all things great and small today.
    That beach scene makes me antsy. I don't like crowds (even before the dreaded C19)
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. Cinnamon you are awesome! I love the limerick and I agree about crowds ... shudder.

  19. That was good of Cinnamon to interfere with the kitty confrontation! Good poetry, and wow, that is a lot of blog hops!

  20. Hey friends that is a fine story. Cinnamon we do have a question. where did that Kozmo end up? He is such an instigator

  21. Mom always knows something is up when we stand and stare out the window. If we get really excited, then she knows something BIG is happening:)

    Mom always love going to the beach in her much younger years. But that crowded beach does not look like much fun at all. Imagine little kids trying to find their way back to their blanket!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. Awesome post ~ smart kitty and great shadow shot ~ fun post too ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Wow! What a lot of good info you posted! Chester remembers when Maddie cat (aka Medusa aka The Kitten Overlord) lived at our house. She would punch him in the nose if he got too close to her. But they both enjoyed watching birdies at the window feeder. He can't imaging living with three kitties!

  24. I especially enjoyed the crowded beach seen and the limerick that goes with it. Some day, we'll beach again!

  25. Thanks for the explanation, and the funny limerick and the thankful things. Lots to smile over today.

  26. Smiling over here. Have a wonderful weekend. Love visiting.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!